Seven of Arnie's Warriors met in the gloom for a V-J Day anniversary tribute shoulder smoker. One for solo standard.
- Mosey lap with Karoki left-right, High-Knees and Butt-Kickers
- SSH x 20 IC, Cotton Pickers x 10 IC, Imperial Storm Troopers x 10 IC, Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
V-J Day Birkdale 500
Grab a cinderblock. 74th anniversary of Japanese Surrender in WW II. 10 Famous battles/events from Pacific war: 25 single count reps of exercise / run a lap around parking lot / 25 additional reps of same exercise. Hold Al Gore while waiting on the six.
- Pearl Harbor = Plank Jacks x 25 SC / run lap / x 25 SC
- Wake Island = WWII sit-ups
- Singapore = Tea Bag Squats
- Coral Sea = Chest Press
- Midway = Merkins
- Gaudalcanal = Goblet Squat
- Leyte Gulf = Low Flutter
- Iwo Jima = Incline Merkins
- Okinowa = Overhead Press
- Hiroshima & Nagasaki = High Curl x 25 / run lap / Low Curl x 25
- Smoked: air born mind-bender 30 seconds
Mosey to soccer field benches
- Approximately 112,000 American soldiers died in Pacific theatre during WWII
- Shoulder dips x 12 IC / 12 Step-ups per leg OyO / Touch that Butt Squat x 12 IC / Incline Merkins x 12 IC
- Mosey back to blocks and return to storage
· LBCs x 25 IC, Rosalita x 15 IC, J-Lo x 10 IC, Mason Twist x 10 IC, Crunchy Frog x 10 IC
- Solo standard for YHC was quiet, but not much more mumble chatter once the blocks were out and the reps started. Strong work by all.
- Temperature was a balmy 72 and humidity was 90%, all shirts were soaked and shoulders were smoked by the end.
- The Geek is clearly in mid-season form. He gets extra credit for the low-flutter with block and called out YHC for a few “less than complete” incline merkins.
- Mumblechatter picked-up post Air Born Mind Bender and trip to benches. Something about a double butt giggle—from the other side of YHC’s picnic table.
- Tougher work-out than it appeared on paper. Self-inflicted shoulder smoker. Crimson paid highest compliment saying it was “just what he needed after a few months away from posting”.
- Prayers for Crab Legs wife and family as she heals from recent surgery. Top Gun has organized a day of landscape work at their house and provided a link to meal planning and donations for the family.
- See Turncoat’s request for 12 Q by each Pax in 2019 to help MQ’s with empty calendars over next few months.
- Let’s always remember the sacrifices made by previous generations so that we enjoy the privilege of freedom we hold so dear.