V2Q-Be F3 Awesome

Event Date

Apr 21, 2016


Today was my 2nd ever Q…or what I called the V2Q…or VIIQ in Roman Numerals.  There’s actually not a “Q” in the Roman numbering system, so the theme for the beat down focused on VII…which is the number 7 for those not picking up what I’m throwing down. 


“You know how fast you were going Tommy?”

“50…55 tops”



Mosey around parking lot a spell to loosen up those digits and get the heart pumping…tri-angle’d up since there were only THREE of us…darn slackers!!!



SSH X 49 IC (7 x 7…get it?)

Cotton Pickers X 14 IC (7 x 2….ok…I think you got it).

Toy Soldier X 14 IC


Thang One:

Mosey to grassy knoll with big boulders. 

Partner #1 wheelbarrow from the 1st set of big rocks to the other set of big rocks-70 feet

Both do 7 Burpees

Partner #2 wheelbarrow back

Both do 7 Burpees


Mosey to Cindy Sticks

Grab Block…Zamperini to Pull-Up Bars


Thang Two:

Triangle up again…

Low Curl X 14 IC

High Curl X 14 IC

Full Curl X 14 IC


On your Six….(almost 7)

Chess Press X 21 IC

Lay Flat…CB over head, swing CB forward and stand up (not sure what these are called…Russian Redheads? Slovakian Slammers?) Anyway…did SEVEN of those!


Thang Three: Acronym Time….

Pullups x 7

Merkins x 7

Squats x 7

Run around parking lot in big circle cutting in at the 4th lane from the pullup bars. 


Goblet Squats x 7

Overhead Press x 7

Derkins x 7

Run around parking lot in big circle cutting in at the 3rd lane from the pullup bars. 


Curls (full) x 7

Underhand Pull-Ups x 7

Mountain Climbers x 14

Run around parking lot in big circle cutting in at the 2nd lane from the pullup bars.


Lawnmowers x 7 (each arm)

Skull Crushers x 7

Derkins x 7

Run around parking lot in big circle cutting in at the 1st lane from the pullup bars.


Return Cindy to her home….


Proud Mary:

Turnpike led us in an epic ab exercise called “100”

LaBon burned us up with the low flutters

I took us out with WWII sit-ups





Today’s “postgame chat” focused on being F3 great.  Make a F3 difference in someone’s life…Count your F3 blessings.  There was some variation to this, but you gotta show up next time to hear the real deal. 

Thanks Fellas…Limburger out.