V2V Recovery Stretch

Event Date

Apr 16, 2024


Four fellas came out for a post Ville to Ville craft relay recovery stretch. It was amaze-balls


  • Legs feeling a bit tender this am post Ville to Ville. Please be gentle
  • Some post V2V feedback shared with the crew
  • Apparently Q ran all of the pussy legs but he may have brought some level of value to the MILF3 Ends Justifying Means A team with planning, logistics and intangibles
  • This just in. El Tigre rocks hard
  • Grip proclaimed that this was his first core and more of the year. We did not know just how good we had it prior to this. But it definitely explains why he always seems so tight
  • The really, really big news is that Grip’s daughter Katie secured a summer internship as an athletic trainer with the University of Tennessee Volunteer (junior college) football team this summer in Knoxville! That is a very big deal and portends quite well for her future endeavors.
  • Stars were out in both sides of the sky this am
  • In a surprise to nobody, the stretch sure does a body good
  • Great work men!