Vanilla Excelsior

First time for YHC taking the Q at Excelsior… freeing your Master Q (Turnpike) up for an even more epic Estate beat-down immediatly following.  Decided to keep it traditional, which at Excelsior (at least, to me) means a trip down Jim Kidd Road to the rock at the end.


  • .5 mile Indian Run to Bradley bus lot
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST x 20 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 20 IC



  • 1.25 miles to the rock at the end of Jim Kidd
  • 10 Burpee on your own
  • 1.5 miles back to the Barnette track – 1-2 laps while everyone gathered


  • Plank, Right Arm Up, Left Arm Up.
  • LBC x 22 IC
  • Low Flutter til the clock ran out

Recover, recover.  Total milage varied, probably ~3.5 for most?  Hopefully this was a solid warm-up prior to The Estate double-down, which most stayed for.


  1. Included Smash, as we picked him up running laps on the track prior to Mary.  
  2. Good turnout!  Both for Excelsior, and a high percentage of double-downs.  STRONG.
  3. I would say "lots of new faces" but I hardly consider myself a regular on Saturday mornings anymore.  Gotta work on that.  But great to see some guys I haven't seen in a while.
  4. Thank you Turnpike for the opportunity to lead.  But I saw it for what it was… a nefarious plot to trick us all into staying for your Estate beatown.  Congratulations, it worked – and now my arms don't.  No but seriously, you would think we planned those workouts together with the running and then the core work… good 1-2 punch.

Enjoy the weekend gentleman, an honor as always…
