Variations on a ‘Merican

Event Date

Sep 02, 2023

9 PAX (1 FNG) met in the gloom, On a beautiful crisp morning to go dle my balls, I mean exercise. Today’s project was the man boob.


  • Mosey around the parking lot
  • SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, long snapper (all x10 IC), and arm circles.

The Thang: Grabbing blocks we made our way to the turf fields and lined up across the end line.  The plan was simple, each PAX picked a numbered ball, we did the three corresponding exercises (1 ‘mercian exercise, one block exercise, one mary exercise) then we ran to midline, jump squats and back. The repeatoed until all the balls were gone.  Here were the excercises:

1 – Dive bomber ‘mercians x 8 OYO; High  Curls, LBCs

2 – Ballroom ‘mercians – one hand hip, one up/out X5 ES OYO; Full curls; WW2’s

3 – Typewriter ‘mercians – down to side, across and up X8 OYO; Skull Crushers; Pretzle Crunch

4 – Volleyball ‘mercians – up and down each side x5 IC; Shoulder Press; Reverse Pretzel Crunch

5 – Shoulder touch ‘mercians (Snake Eyes led) X5 IC; Squat; Freddy Mercury

6 – Knee touch ‘mercians X5 IC; Block Swings; Suzanne Summers

7 – Uneven block ‘mericans X4 IC Each Side; Lawn Mowers, Low Flutter

8 – Hand Release Americans X10 OYO; Bent Over Row, American Hammer

9 – Diamond ‘mercians  (Subbed for Airborne Mindbender ‘mercians); Dead Lifts, Heals to Heaven

10 – Airborne Mindbender Merican; Slow Deep Squats, The W


After a nice stretch we Finished off with one final ‘Merican excercise, slow deep ‘Mericans with the Pax taking turns counting each cadence.  Some went fast, some went slow, we all got stronger.


1- was a great morning, beautiful cool weather, doesn’t get any better.

2- the fields were a little wet. YHC used the PAX to soak some of the water up. Between LBCs, Suzanne Summers and hand release Mericans we were pretty thorough.

3- the PAX gave Gambini some very inclusive campaign slogan suggestions to reach a very big demographic.

4- shout out to Something for bringing an FMG. Hopefully YHC didn’t scare him off.
