Vern #1, 2019- In the Books

Event Date

Jan 08, 2019


4 Pax posted for a post-national championship Vern.  Our fearless master Q sent out the preblast, then, presumably starting drinking beer and eating pizza.  Needless to say, Travolta’s weekly coordinating workout ensemble, the highlight of every Tuesday for many of us, was missed for this one.  

The Thang:

The Vern. (3/4 mile run, laps with exercises totaling 50 pull-ups, 100 dips, 125 American Push-ups and 150 LBCs, 3/4 return run).  This results in just over 4 miles of running, for those of you who don’t know.

Kosar took the early lead and didn’t look back.

Cousin Eddie made a strong showing and then ran home from the AO (or at least gave the impression he was running home)

Stapler powered through as well, pushing hard on the return run.

1.5 minutes of MARY finished off the day.  

Remember when The Vern would get 20+ Pax?  I do.  It would be nice to see that’s again.

Nice work today, Gents.