Vertical Humper Intro


Today we were introduced to something new the force sprung on us 24 hours previous.  The Force offered and insisted that we try 100 Vertical Humpers.  Nobody heard of this but if you were watching from a distance you would be sure not to ever show up to perform these.  I know it was painful to watch but even more painful after about 50.  Well done Force..


Now onto the real work…


Moved to the parking deck and started with the below.


20 – SSH

20 – Carrot pullers


The real work was then moved to the roof of DPK –


10 – **Right side** leg squat

  1. 20 – Merkin
  2. Run down one level and back up the steps


10 – **Left side** leg squat

  1. 20 – Merkin
  2. Run down one level and back up the steps
  3. 20 OYO Swings

REPEDO everything above


10 – **Right side** arm press

  1. 20 – Squats
  2. No Run (Break)

10 – **Left side** arm press

  1. 20 -Squat
  2. No Run (Break)
  3. 20 OYO Swings


10 – **Right side** Arm Row

  1. 20 – skull crushers
  2. Run down one level and back up the steps
  1. 20 – Dip

10 – **Left side** Arm row

  1. 20 – skull crushers
  2. Run down one level and back up the steps
  3. 20 – Dip


10 – **Right side** Leg dead lift

  1. 20 – Swing switch
  2. Run down one level and back up the steps

10 – **Left side** Leg Dead lift

  1. 20 – Swing switch
  2. Run down one level and back up the step


10 Burpees swings were intended but ran out of time.  Damn it!!  You know how we love burpees…