Viking — 2 miles and a cloud of pain

Event Date

Apr 13, 2021


Also in attendance, Titan's 2.0 OptimusPrime (9) and is 2.K9 Sky (1?)

Given the number of likes on my preblast (1), I thought there was a chance that I might be the only one in attendance this beautiful morning.  Much to my surprise, when I pulled into the Christ Community Church lot, Bagboy and Canuck had  arrived.  With Canuck there, I knew we should try to get his obligatory (2) miles in during the workout so he wouldn't have to run post-beatdown.  The (3) of us ogled at a strange Nissan in the parking lot, which turned out to be Soprano on a standard, not in his standard branded truck.  5:30 rolled around and we zigzag-moseyed the (4) parking lot rows at the church and circled up for some warm-o-rama. Quick disclaimer that I had no idea what we were about to do, followed by Stormtroopers, D. Shrutes, Windmills, and some stretching (calves, glutes, hams, etc.).

With no additional pax in site, we moseyed to the back of the park and visited the playground for some pull-ups and squats.  Three rounds — first round 10 pull-ups / 20 squats, second/third rounds both (5) pull-ups and 10 squats.  Probably about (6) minutes later, we grabbed some wall and did people's chair while Canuck read the playground rules to us.  We may have broken a couple, like the "park open dawn to dusk" rule, and the "playground equipment for ages 5-12," but close enough.  It was nearly dawn.  And we act 12.   We recoverd from the wall and moseyed up to the soccer fields for (7) plyo Mericans at each corner.  After the first corner, there was a light in the distance coming from the direction of launch, so we circled down and collected Titan, OptimusPrime, and Sky, who arrived at approximately 5:40.  I think we may have repeated the plyo Mericans at the first corner, but not sure, and then we moseyed to the other 3 corners to complete the loop.  Some LBCs were added in at the last few corners to keep everyone together.

Still having a good distance to go to reach two miles, we proceeded with another lap of 4 corners.  First corner – 10 break dancers in cadence, second corner was first exercise plus 10 squats in cadence, 3rd corner added 10 dry docks in cadence, and the 4th corner tacked on an additional 20 WW2 sit-ups, single count.  Next, we moseyed to the stop sign, did some plank variations, and proceeded to lunge walk back up the hill past the tennis courts.  After (8) or so reps on each leg, we moseyed around the corner, past the tennis courts and back to the baseball field, only to turn around and return back to the rock pile.  Time killer plus mileage builder…

With (9) minutes to go, we each grabbed a rock and did a round of 7's (7 low curl, 7 high curl, 7 full curl IC).  We put our rocks back and moseyed back to launch, where we reached it with about 1.9 miles completed.  A quick mosey of the lot and we had our 2 miles completed.  

Next we circled up for Mary, in cadence.  Low flutter to 20, low dolly to 12, pretzel crunch to 12, Freddie Mercury to (10), W to 10, mason twist to 10, and J-Lo to 10.  Recover, recover.


– Thanks Canuck for taking us out and for grabbing next week's Q

– Thanks Bagboy for taking the Q last week and for being a frequent traveler on the Viking ship

– Thanks Soprano for the headlamp and for always providing that extra push

– Thanks Titan for searching for us in the dark and for bringing along your 2.0 to keep showing him what this F3 thing is all about

Well, I didn't have a plan today, other than "not the Vern" but knew I wanted to do a few pull-ups and also a few plyo Mericans.  I had my track team do them yesterday and they looked like fun. They are… so. much. fun.

Also, I don't know what the number thing was in this backblast.  I started it and didn't know if it would go anywhere or not.  It really didn't — but maybe it kept your attention.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it.  See you next week for Canuck's Q, where you are almost guaranteed 2 miles and a round of BLMF'ers.
