Viking circuit beatdown

Event Date

Jun 18, 2019


Mosey into North Mecklenburg Park from church parking lot



Merkins 15x IC

Plank Jacks 15x IC

Mountain Climbers 30x IC

Apollo Ohno’s 15x IC



Mosey to rock pile and grab a rock 

Alternating Zamperini and curls to back parking lot

Put rocks down

Mosey to basketball court for side shuffling suicide 

Pull ups 15x OYO

Dips 15x IC

Step ups 15x OYO

Incline merkins 15x IC

Run lap around parking lot

Grab rocks

Curls 15x IC

Skull crushers 15x IC

Squats 15x IC

Overhead press 15x IC

Lunges 15x OYO

Bent over row 15x IC


Repeato except 10x each exercise 


Mosey back to launching point

Circle up for Mary 

LBCs 15x IC

Pretzel crunch 15x IC 

Low flutter 15x IC

Dying cockroach 15x IC

Low flutter 15x IC

Rosalita 15x IC

WW II Sit ups 15x




Circle up for prayer 


Thanks for the opportunity to Q Fescue,


Cousin Eddie