Viking: Moses Outshines the Integrity Light

Event Date

Mar 27, 2018


9 Men met in the Christ Community Church Parking Lot at 0525 for a promised tour of North Meck Park.  

YHC had his trusty #BombBox in hand and to start us off, we went back to 1991 and came out of the gates hard with Pearl Jam's "Once." 

Fast mosey to the pavillion by the soccer fields 


Circle up for some HOT BROGA (Bro – yoga) 

Downward Dog, Cobra, Forward Fold, Flat Back, Tall Mountain, Lunges, Plank, Unkown warrior pose

Mosey to the Track around the soccer fields 


Partner Up in Groups of 3 

2 partners run left, 1 partner runs right 

Kiss in the middle for:  10 partner derkins, 15 x WW2 situps (oyo), 20 x SSH

Complete the loop, switching partners to facilitate 2nd F opportunities with different PAX 

Meet up at the start for:  10 partner get-ups (5 each arm), 15 x LBCs, 20 x Low Flutters (single count) 


2 partners run left, 1 partner runs right 

Kiss in the middle for:  30 burpees cumulatively as a group 

Complete the loop and 

Meet up at the start for:  30 more bureppes cumulatively as a group


LINE UP in groups of on one sideline of a soccer field. 

ROUND 1:  

Runner 1:  With sandbag in hand, run from one blue sideline to the other blue sideline and back

PAX waiting:  50 squats (oyo), 50 merkins (cumulatively)

Switch off to Runners 2 and Runners 3 in relay race fashion  


Runner 1:  With sandbag in hand, run from one blue sideline to the other blue sideline

AT OTHER SIDELINE, Do 8 x Figure 8's with the sandbag (these were tough – for me at least) 

PAX waiting:  50 merkins (cumulatively), 50 SSH's (oyo)

Switch off to Runners 2 and Runners 3 in relay race fashion  

ROUND 3:  Take one lap around with sandbag in hand, passing off to your team of 3 as needed 

Mosey to the Rock Pile and we played 2017 Imagine Dragons hit "Thunder" on our way up


Circle up with rock in hand 

10 x curls 

Rotate 2 rocks to the left 

10 x shoulder press 

Rotate 2 rocks to the left 

On your backs 

10 x chest press, 5 x low flutters while rock locked above over chest, 5 x chest press, 5 x low futters 

Rotate 4 rocks back to the right or original rock 

5 x low curl (Moses) 

5 x high curl (Moses) 

5 x regular curl (Moses) 

Note: All exercises were done in cadence unless otherwise noted above. 

Mosey back to base for Mary 

(5) MARY

We were graced with The Killers 2004 song "All These Things That I've Done" for MARY

20 x low flutters

20 x LBCs

Plank to the Music:  

Right Arm Up, Regular, Left Arm Up 

The Killers' song has a great bridge and we took advantage of the repetitive lyrics, as we did a merkin on the word "Soul" and "Soldier" for about a minute.  

6:16 recover recover

Prayer (Mayhem) 


Ye Ole Scrapskin: 

1.  Stapler cotinues to bring out his 19 year old son Commando who is headed to the military.  It's refreshing having some young blood in the PAX and thankful for the father-son duo. 

2.  Toxic mentioned that the song "Thunder" would be in his head all day long.  You're welcome. 

3.  Caboose tried to leave before we started to even the numbers for YHC's planned partner beatdown.  But, he's a glutton for punishment and he reluctantly followed this leprechaun into the gloom. 

4.  Dr. Seuss – respect.  You can run for 50.  Very impressed.  You have wheels. 

5.  Moses and Waffle came in the only clown car.  YHC had his trusty iPhone as a beacon for the gloom and often used it as an integrity lamp to shame the PAX, mistakenly.   Because Moses is the ultimate integrity Q, and like a mirror, shone back the integrity lamp to YHC to ensure maximimum effort and true, perfect form.  Aye.  Lesson: Judge not lest ye be judged. 

6.  Thanks Mayhem for allowing me to Q.  I tried to Spartan Up your Viking with the 30 burpees and the running mixed in with pain stations.  

7.  It's super gloomy at North Meck Park.  The integrity light will be back.  

Shine On Brothers.  You have Light.  Use it.

Scrap Out