Viking Rock Ladder

11 pax gathered in the gloom for a Waffle House rock combo special. Here’s what we did:

Mosey w/Activation routine

Mosey to rock pile first parking lot

Grab a rock

5x squat to press, deadlift/curl, chest press / skull crusher, pullover crunch, mosey a lap of the parking lot

Repeat for 10, 15, 15, 10, and 5 reps with a lap after each round with a mobility moment at the midpoint.

Mosey back to launch

Plank shoulder taps

Double leg raise

Pretzel crunch

Recover, recover


Lots of mumble chatter throughout, except for the first round of rock work. I think the combo exercises required a little extra concentration that first time…

Great group of men – most I have seen at workouts within the last couple of weeks but hadn’t seen Jethro in a while. A welcome sight!

Canuck took us out – special prayers for Roadie’s M who is having surgery this week.

Thanks men! Hope you’re sore tomorrow…