Viking Sails On

Event Date

Apr 05, 2022


YHC watched the whole national championship game last night, so a little part of me was hoping to arrive to an empty parking lot at Viking, but in the end I was glad that Jersey Boy was waiting on me and that Soprano and Canuck rolled in prior to launch.  They kept me accountable, or I would have headed straigth back home for the fartsack.  This was the better option, for sure.  So with no other plan in mind except let's use the rocks, and let's not run very far, I didn't really have much of a plan formulated.  But it was enough.  

We did a brief mosey in the CCC parking lot and circled up for some hamstring stretches, IST, Toy Soldier, and Long Snapper.  Then headed into the park and grabbed rocks by the tennis courts.  Rock walk to the stop sign at the bottom of the hill near the soccer fields.

We then did 3 sets of the following:

– 10x rock squat, rock curl, rock press, rock skull crusher, take a lap by the picnic shelter – 15x rock calf raise, rock press, rock eye buster, Russian/Mason twist, take a lap.

Rock walk back to pile.  

Mosey back to launch, 

– 10 IC Mericans, 10 slow lunge, 10 slow windmill 

– Mary: Low dolly (15 IC), side crunch (15 IC), pretzel crunch (10 IC), Low W (10 IC), LBC (15 IC), Dying Cockroach (15 IC)


– Thanks for showing up.  This was what I needed to start the day on little sleep due to allergies and basketball

– The top of the rock pile had cement poured on it — I guess they think the rocks are naturally moving down the hill? My guess – we pick from the top and put back further down the pile

– I probably could have shared the Q during Mary, but I didn't want to take the chance of Soprano calling a million SSH or, even worse, burpees!

– In the end, I think we ran about 1.5 miles and got in some solid reps with the rocks

– Canuck took us out 

– Astronomy lesson at Planetarium involving Venus, Saturn, and Mars

– Discussions around high school debates, pollen, and relay races while taking our laps

– Coffeeteria for JB and WH at Starbucks AT&T; dating history and home improvement were topics du jour.