Viking Tour of NMP

Event Date

Mar 05, 2019


4 set sail on a brisk Tuesday morning to take a tour of North Meck Park…


Mosey down to lower pavilion area


10 X Windmill IC


10 X Cotton Picker IC

Plank/Stretch to 10 X Mountain Climbers IC


The Thang

Mosey to Corner 1 of the soccer fields, 10 X 1 Legged Mericans IC

Fast Mosey to Corner 2, 10 X Diamond Mericans IC

Run to Corner 3, 10 X Man Maker Mericans IC

Sprint to Corner 4, 10 X Mericans IC


Mosey to playground: 2 PAX People’s Chair w/Air Press while other 2 do 10 X Pull Ups.  Flap Jack and complete 3 rounds


Mosey to rock pile:

Overhead Press Time Bomb

10 X Squat IC

Curl Time Bomb

10 X Skull Crushers IC

10 X Squat to Press IC


Mosey to basketball courts for Animal Suicide:

Crab Walk out and back to first free throw line

Bear Crawl out and back to mid court

Bunny Hop out and back to second free throw line

Run to end line for 20 X Scorpion Dry Docks (10 each leg), run back for 20 X Scorpion Dry Docks


Mosey to tennis courts: Side shuffle to sideline of each court out and back.  5 X Mericans on each return to start.


Mosey the long way to the upper pavilion:

15 X Dips IC

10 X Step Ups Each Leg OYO

10 X Australian Pull Ups IC

10 X Bulgarian Split Squat Each Leg OYO

10 X Incline Merican IC

10 X Decline Merican IC


Mosey to wall for People’s Chair w/Air Press and Touch Them Heels, ended w/ Balls to the Wall



15 X LBC IC (Fescue)

20 X Low Flutter IC (Kumquat)

10 X Pretzel Crunch IC (Cousin Eddie)

10 X Rosalita IC (Stapler)

20 X WWII’s (Fescue)

1-Minute Elbow Plank


Recover, Recover



– Thanks to Kumquat for venturing out to Viking, primarily posting in the MECA region.  Great to have you!

– Shout out to Stapler for coming out, knowing that there was going to be a lot running involved.

– Cousin Eddie still crushing it on the Attendance leaderboard…and gives 100% every time.  The guy’s a beast.


Until Next Time…

