Vikings love the cold

14 Of Isotope’s finest battled the cold and became VIKINGS!


The Thang:


8 Count Body builders x 5

Burpees x 5

¼ Turn Jump Squats – 5 complete rotations


Short Mosey thru NMP Parking Lot

High Knee’s

Butt Kicker’s



SSH x 20

Donkey Kicks x 15

Storm Troopers x 20


Short Mosey to the pavilion


Dips x 20

Step Up x 20 each Leg

Durkins x 10




Short Mosey to the Rock Pile

Full Curls x 20

Skull Crushers x 15

Shoulder Press x 10


Mosey to the bottom of the hill

Climb the Ladder

CCD x 10/1 on top

LBC x 1/10 on bottom


Mosey to the Field:

One Lap around the Track

Merkins x 10

LBC x 20

One More lap around lap around the track.


True Short Mosey to the hill

Burpee’s x 5


Run Back to the parking lot for Mary:

Homer to Marge x 5

Low Flutter x 20

Rosalita x 20

Burpee’s x 5




  1. Stromboli, thank you for the honor to lead such a great group of men!
  2. Madden 24 was the strongest this am.  Great to see Madden bring his Dad.
  3. Starting with 8 Count body builders and Burpee’s is always a crowd pleaser.
  4. Clown Mumble Chatter was in full gear this am.  8 Counts and Burpee’s could not deter this group.
  5. Surprisingly one ladder silenced the pax.
  6. Shoe.  Thank you for taking us out this am.




Shaken Not Stirred