Vikings moved little, but moved a lot. . .

Event Date

May 19, 2021


Apparently, something was going on at Paininsula, so some Viking regulars temporarily defected. But Canuck and Waffle House are all this Q needed to raid the mainland of North Meck for some oddly executed exercises and a couple of miles to boot. . .

The goal was to get in Canuck's two-mile mandate (at "boogie" pace, which is 15% faster than mosey) without it feeling like a running workout. 

A few warmups and we were off to get a big rock and take it to the fully lit baseball field. You know what they say: "Build it and they will come. . ." Well, they built it, someone left the lights on, and we came. I'm pretty sure we saw Shoeless Joe Jackson in the outfield. 

We did a series of isometric (static, weight-bearing) exercises, interchanged with a run around the grassy outfield (ain't nobody need to deal with no baseball-diamond clay at 5:30 in the mornin'). Rocks were held in strange positions while we did some leg exercises and other things. Some complaining was heard regarding exercise names and form, but overall, morale was high. 

We boogeyed back to home base, ran until we got our two miles, did a few isometric ab exercises, then called it a day.

The COT was marked by the Q's request for a minute of silence to acknowledge all the things we have to be grateful for. We probably could have taken an hour. 

Canuck couldn't make it to coffee and when I asked Waffle if he still wanted to go, he said, "Nah." Or did he? Apparently he actually said "Sure" and later wondered why I was at home instead of at Starbucks. I should have realized that Waffle likes a post-workout F2 as much as I do! So I got gypped out of coffee due to bad hearing, but we'll make it up next time. Apologies to Blackbeard, who apparently relied on our consistent appearance.

Thanks, gentlemen, for showing up!