Vikings Pillaged the Gladiators

Event Date

Aug 24, 2021


How could I have known when I agreed to Q this week, that I would be nursing the onset of cold bug? And after my tardy at Wilderness last week, I couldn’t bring myself to bail on WH. So I devised a plan to stick to the church parking lot. Unfortunately it involved increasing reps of cinder block exercises interspersed with a lap around the lot. I discovered quickly how difficult physical effort can be when under the weather. And speaking of weather — the humidity was a suck fest dialed up to 11!

After pillaging a few cinder blocks from the Gladiator AO the evening before, (Hey! I figured they would use the MQ’s weights.) I arrived at Viking a bit early to get the lay of the lot. Plenty of room for a traveling beatdown so when 0530 came, the 4 of us set off for a mosey to the far back of lot for the warmup.

  • Long Snapper x10 IC
  • Imperial Stormtrooper x15 IC
  • Toy Soldier x10 IC
  • Windmill x10 IC

Then it was back to the starting point where the special treat was revealed. Each picked a block from the assortment provided and gathered at one end of the lot that parallels the side of the building. The plan called for a PLOP (you’d have to ask the pax if it was a FLOP as well) — for the first set of about 16 spaces, we did block swings at each stripe, adding one as you move forward. It was immediately obvious that I bit off more then I could chew — I think everyone self-audibled before reaching the end. Following the swings, we took a lap around the lot.

Moving the blocks to the next set of spaces, we went with the Overhead Press and I suggested we increase by one until 10, and then reduce by one back to one. Afterwards we ran another lap. Coming back on the opposite side, we did curls going up by 1 to 5, then down to 1 and repeatoed that set across 20 spaces. Then we ran again.

The next set was Skull Crushers and we greatly simplified with 3 at each line. YHC audibled with 8 spaces to go, and instead did another lap. The final round of block work was 5 Lawnmowers at each stripe, alternating arms. And then another lap.

With time winding down, we put the blocks away and moved on to Mary where we went around the quadrilateral.

  • LBC @10 IC
  • Windshield Wipers x10 IC
  • (I forget what WH called)
  • Pretzel Crunch x10 IC each side
  • Lap around the lot
  • Dot the Lowercase I x10 IC
  • X’s and O’s x10 IC

I thought I could get in one more lap as the clock hit 0615 since I know how much Canuck likes to get in 2 miles. But the majority declined (thanks for offering to play along JB!) and instead we finished with CoT. Afterwards, Canuck headed into the park to get another .65 miles while the rest of us reconvened for coffee. Thanks to WH for allowing me to lead, and thanks to the men in attendance for circling back on most of the laps.