Vinegar’s Virgin Q

11 Pax gathered at the Foundry to participate in the Virgin Q of Vinegar Bend.   


Side-ShuttleHop x20

Imperial Storm Trooper X 12

Cotton pickers x12


10 pullups

20 Merkins


Sprint to end of parking lot 30 low flutters in cadence

Sprint to end of parking lot 12 squats in cadence

Sprint to end of the parking lot 10 burpees on your own

Sprint to end of parking lot  12 carolina dry docks in cadence

Mosey over to rock pile

12 curls in cadence 

10 burpees

12 overhaed press in cadence

10 burpees

12 the rows in cadence

10 burpees

12 skull crushers in cadence

10 burpees 

Lap around the parking lot over to wall.  

The peoples chair for 30 seconds

12 merkins in cadence

Balls to the wall for 25 seconds

12 merkins in cadence

Back to Rock pile

12 curls in cadence 

8 burpees

10 overhead press in cadence

8 burpees

10 skull crushers in cadence

8 burpees 

12 the row in cadence

Throw rocks back in pile

Sprint thru the parking lot,  12 squats in cadence

Sprint thru parking lot,   12 carolina dry docks in cadence

Sprint thru parking lot,  Low flutter x 20 in cadence 

Sprint thru parking lot LBC x 30 in cadence

Mosey to pull up bars

10 pull ups/20 merkins repeato

Big lap back to rock pile 


Homer to Marge….Kinda messed this up.  Didn't count on the way down.  

Swing state with the superman hold.

Recover, Recover

Good workout by everyone.  It was pretty obvious I came from the Bam Bam/ Bunyon school of F3.  Want to thank those guys for showing me the ropes!! Big day as we renamed Watson (Bam Bam's son) Zoolander due to his deluxe hair.  I brought the boys a christmas surprise at the end of the workout.  Everyone got a Highland Cold Moutain Beer.  Some of us couldn't wait and popped the top right in the church parking lot.  Much needed after a tough week of F3 beatdowns.   Thanks for everyone for coming out this am and accepting me into the F3 community.  Safe Travels and Happy Holidays!!!

Dilly Dilly

Vinegar Bend