Violating TPR’s Travel Ban, Welcomed With Open Arms

Pax not registered: Toughie, Kilt

I was called out by Holiday, along with a few other comrades from TPR, to Q at Hollywood. And, like every time I'm asked to do something involving F3, I said yes. Little did I realize there would be a pretty strict Travel Ban in place. My only option was to sneak out of TPR via River Run (because R.R. doesn't really count as Davidson).

The clock struck 5:30 and instead of the Disclaimer I felt it was necessary to ask if there was anyone present employed by the Border Patrol or TSA. I illegally entered Hunterville and wanted to make I wouldn't be detained after the workout.

A quick mosey up to the big fountain and then back to the parking lot for the workout. It was a this point, I found out that I was welcomed at Hollywood with open arms! Hippie had set up a bistro table with a nice bottle of wine and some cheese laid out on one of Sweet C's fine cutting boards. Well played, Hippie. Well played.

Not knowing the AO, I resorted to one of my old standards, a workout that was created by TPR's Most Hated Q, Chim Chim, the Deck of Pain. After a quick warmup of 15 SSH's IC (there is signifigance in doing 15, ask anyone who's Q'd in TPR recently), 15 IST's IC, and 15 Soy Bean Pickers IC (we don't have cotton fields in TPR, we really do have soy beans growing), I pulled out my extra large playing cards and proceeded to explain this simple workout. Each suit represented an exercise, Clubs were LBC's, Spades were Squats, Diamonds were Merkins, and Hearts were Burpees, because who doesn't love doing Burpees! The number of the card corresponded to the reps, with the Ace = 11, Jack = 12, Queen = 13, and King = 14. All exercises were done IC, with the exception of Burpees.

After quite a few rounds, I decided we needed to to a quick jog around the parking lot. a few more rounds, a 10 count, a few more rounds, another jog, a few more 10 counts and another jog, a few more rounds with the cards and it was time for Mary.

COT – We lifted up Pierogi and his family


  • A lot of good natured ribbing before we got started this morning but the Deck of Pain but that to an end once the first Heart facr card was drawn
  • While Burpees do in most of us, it was the Merkins that undid most of the pax this morning
  • Uncle Rico is a machine, when I called the first mosey around the parking lot…he took off from the far side of the circle and lead the way, and that continued every time we moseyed around the parking lot.
  • Goat has the best 10 Count in all of F3. He makes some wierd noises, the occasional bleat, and when you do hear a number it's not in order. Guess, he never learned to count while at the Naval Academy
  • TClaps to Hippie. I owe you a beer in the near future.
  • TClaps to Holiday for getting me to Q. I may have to post there a few time so I can learn the AO and then do something different next time around. I constantly think back to the early days of The Sweatshop, you and I were pratically the only Q's and we were thrilled if more than 4 guys posted, now it's disappointing when less than double digits are there. You're an inspiration, brother.
  • Thanks to Mailman who invited to F3. Being a part of F# and having you guys as my friends is  one of the best things I have done for myself and my kids.

Back in the TPR!!
