VIP Behind-The-Scenes Tour

14 pax were drawn in by the bright lights of Hollywood this morning, We started with an easy-going mosey towards Kilwin's, under the covered parking, and then to the parking lot south of the movie theater. Loaded up on our tour bus and took a VIP tour of this great AO.


  • SSH x20 IC
  • Windmill x10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x15 IC
  • Downward dog
  • Plank
  • Cobra
  • Plank
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC


The Thang

Pax line up at one end of the theater, perform the designated exercise. Run to the parking median, perform the designated exercise again. Run to the other end of the theater, perform the designated exercise a third time. Once everyone has finished, mosey back to the other end of the theater for the next round.

  1. Merkin x 15 OYO at each point

  2. Squat x 20 OYO at each point

  3. LBCs x25 IC at each point (Primo had been complaining about how doing exercises in cadence was more fun, so we all enjoyed doing a total of 75 LBCs IC)


Mosey to south entrance of greenway

  • Dips x 20 IC
  • Incline Merkin x 10 IC
  • Slow squat x 10 IC
  • Decline Merkin x 10 IC
  • Alternating Lunges x 10 IC
  • Dips x 15 IC (Q’s triceps were gassed)
  • Incline Merkin x 10 IC
  • Slow squat x 10 IC
  • Decline Merkin x 10 IC


Mosey to the pond

Partner uphill running in the greenway. P1 runs up the hill to Cranlyn Road and back, while P2 does the designated exercise AMRAP. Flapjack.

  • 1st Run – Carolina Dry Docks
  • 2nd Run – Squats
  • 3rd Run – WWII sit ups

Plank for a little bit, followed by plank jacks x 10 IC

Mosey to Launch for Mary

  • Low flutter x20 IC
  • Low Dolly x 10 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • W x 15 IC
  • Rosalita x 15 IC
  • J-Lo x 15 IC
  • Plank for 90 seconds


Recover. Recover.



  • Keeping with theme of a behind-the-scenes tour, Q kept the pax behind the movie theater for nearly the entire workout.
  • The mumblechatter was strong today, and I’m disappointed happy that it kept going until the end of the workout. No beatdown will keep these men silent.
  • Passing along Bag Boy’s message that I read on the Man Maker Monday backblast – if you know of any pax who haven’t posted in a while, reach out to them and to get them to post. I’ve only been doing F3 for a few months, and it’s already been impactful in my life. We’re all here because we need F3 for one reason or another and those missing Pax need it too.
  • Thank you all for the opportunity to lead. Next week Cousin Eddie has the Q – come out and support him. He’ll treat you to a good old-fashioned beatdown as a show of thanks.