Virgin Q in the Books

12 PAX showed up to Man Maker Monday for YHC’s Virgin Q (not implying that was the reason for each PAX showing up). Appreciate the Help & Support from y’all.

The mornings activities went something a little like the following:

Circle up and disclaimer 

Mosey around the inside of the parking lot. Circle up for Warm-aroma:

25 SSH, 10 Toy Soldiers, windmills (mis-q by the Q on the cadence), nose to the knee stretches, runners stretches, and carrot puller/long snapper

Mosey around the inside of the parking lot the reverse direction.

Grab those bells and partner up:

Form a straight line. Partner 1, while holding both bells, lung walk until middle of the parking lot, drop bells for partner 2. Partner 1 proceed to other end of parking lot for 10 jump squats. P2 starts with 10 jump squats then proceed to middle of parking lot for both bells, lung walk to P1. Repeato. Side strattle across parking lot, switch halfway. Crisscross strattle back across parking lot, switch halfway.

Mosey around inside of parking lot.

Circle up for mini Warm-aroma.  10 Backwards arm circles then flip flop. 10 martinis with Up/Down count.

Grab bells for OYO:

10 kettlebell swings, 10 shoulder presses, 10 skull crushers, 10 lawnmowers (R arm), 10 isolated curls then flip flop and repeato. 10 front curls, 10 shoulder presses, 10 skull crushers, the 8 count.

Mosey around inside of the parking lot.

Grab some sidewalk and on your six for:

American twist, Freddie Mercury, chest press, dieing Cockroach, grab those ankles, froggie crunch, LBC, bicycle

Mosey around inside of the parking lot

Grab them bells Circle up for:

8 kettlebell swings, 8 shoulder presses, 8 skull crushers. Finished with accelerator (ladder of 7 SSH, 7 ONLY arms SSH, 7 ONLY legs SSH).

Recover, Recover

Announcements: Paininsula QvQ – Omega and Rodeo square off, CPR on 3/30

Prayers for: PAX wife, Outlaws neck, Sopranos bicep, Moonlight’s chemo treatment. All other unspoken and for all first responders.

Much appreciation for the PAX in attendance for support and positive encouragement of first Q.