12 modern day warriors (Nymph was present but his name could not be found on F3Isotope) gathered in the gloom this morning in an effort to find, and exceed, their limits. The air was frigid but the bells were warm after being tucked in for the night. Some battle hardened faces were hidden by war masks, but the steam of effort could be seen with each breath. Strains and groans could be heard as each prepared for themorning ritual but limited were the complaints brought on by age, as each warrior gathered up the courage to fight father time one more time. A few warriors were pushing themselves in an attempt to hide nagging injuries and some familiar faces were missing,,,,,likely the result of some recent battle. But the group remained strong and pushed forth in their memory. A new voice was heard calling the pax to gather as all fell in to formation. The right of passage, the virgin Q, is a must toearn the respect of the elders. All eyes fell on the YHC as the training began. Nervous energy filled the air as they waited to see if he would pass this test.---Warm up...All done in cadence-20 Side straddle hops-10 windmills-15 mountain climbers-10 IST- Mosey around the water fountain---The thingAll in cadence-10 kettle bells swings-20 dips w bells-10 mericans-10 goblet squats-10 lunges w bells -10 step ups w bells---- Mosey around the fountain-8 Bell webs- jack webs with bells-10 dry docs-15 dips w bells-10 goblet squats-10 lunges w bells-10 step ups w bells----Mosey to fountain-Dip position--Move in dip position , circle around fountain to the left-repeat to the right.-Mosey around salty caper----10 single arm bent over rows-10 single arm bent over rows-10 single arm clean and jerks-10 single arm clean and jerks-10 standing rows -10 goblet squats-10 bell lunges-10 step ups w bells -Mosey around fountain ----20 overhead presses-15 dips with Bells-15 skull crushers-10 goblet squats-10 lunges-20 calf raises each leg (OYO)-Mosey around fountain ----6 Bell webs-15 dips w bells---Mary-20 lbc-30 flutter kicks-10 WWII-20 box cutters-20 Jaylo's Recover , recover Moleskin,In my efforts to get to the AO ahead of time this morning, I brushed past a group of ruckers on the road, almost reducing the numbers that would show up to support me on this virgin Q. I apologize to those brave ruckers, please forgive my laps in respect.F3 is more than a group of Men working out together, With the temperature hovering around a frigid 16 degrees I was in aweof the support displayed for me this morning,,,, it was inspiring. The cold weather caused me to alter one section of the workout due to ice forming around the fountain, I will make sure to add it back in when the footing is more secure. The mumble chatter was troubling as it interfered with my memory (at first) and I can only assume it was the extreme cold that kept the trash talk to from penetrating my mind. @manhands was the exception as he made sure my virgin Q was not void of harassment. An early attempt at looking at my cheat sheet ended quicklyas it fell to the ground. That was the last time I would take it out (thecheat sheet that is). My forgetting the name of The clean and jerk was too much for @manhands and he couldn't resist a sexual innuendo about thetiming of switching hands. The Bell Web was a crowd pleaser so early inthe workout with some asking who is Jack Web anyway. Not sure if his identity was clarified as I didn't want to break focus and lose my placein the workout. The dip walk went better than I anticipated even with the Icey footing. A little confusion about the return trip was quickly resolved and we finished off the round with a stroll around the salty caper. There was some grumbling from the pax when the second round of Bell Webs was announced but all pushed through without fail. Another setof dips put the icing on the cake and ensured a bit of future soreness.Hats off to those pushing through with obvious injuries,,, @manhands and @cupcake made great efforts even with nagging injuries. The ruckersalways impress me,, as I struggled through this workout without a weight vest. I doubt I could have finished it with that extra weight dragging me down. Good to see @Plinko come out to show support. @Deepend continues to push me each week, knowing that he will be at theworkout negates any thoughts of fartsacking. Thank you to @manhands forintroducing me to F3, I owe you much for bringing me in. Thank you @hummer for the extra show of support, it was much appreciated. . Thanks to @londonwhale for the opportunity to lead this group of fine men, it was a humbling experience.