Virgin Viking Voyage

Event Date

Mar 21, 2023


4 Pax joined me at Viking for my first Q. It went a little something like this:

Mosey down to the lights near lower baseball field.
SSH x20, IST x15, Slow Windmill x15, Toy Soldier x15, Carrot Puller x15

The Thang:
Mosey to the upper benches for first set:
Dips x20
Incline Merkin x16 (might have missed my number here)
Low Slow Squats x15
Merkin x10
Mountain Climbers x15
Step ups x15 each leg

Mosey through the baseball fields and to rock pile, grab a rock. Exercises went as followed:

The Curl x15
Mosey down hill 
Squats x20
Mosey up hill
The Curl x15, Skullcrusher x15
Mosey back down hill
Low Slow Squat X15
Mosey back up hill
The Curl x15, Skullcrusher x15, Shoulder Press x15
Mosey back down hill
One leg squats x10 each leg
Mosey back up hill
The Curl x15, Skullcrusher x15, Shoulder Press x10, Bent over row x15
Mosey back downhill
15 Jump squats OYO

Mosey to basketball courts for some Suicides and 4 corners.
Start with 1 suicide 
First corner: Hippie called Jane Fonda – x15 each leg
Second Corner: Waffle House called Pretzel Crunch – x10 each side
1 more suicide

With time running out (as I seemed to be continually reminded) and wanting to keep on schedule we had to cut the last 2 corners short and mosey back to start. 
End with Freddy Mercury x20 and Low Flutter x20. Recover, Recover

Announcements – Race City 10 Year. Convergence at The Glen(Stumpy Creek Park) 7AM
Prayer requests – Continued prayers for Moonlight and any unspoken requests.

Thank you Canuck for taking us out in prayer. Thanks to Waffle House for the opportunity for my first Q. Much appreciation for the Pax in attendance for their patience through all the mis Qs and off cadence calls.  Look forward to Qing again soon