Virtual Hollywood: “Pandemic”

Event Date

Apr 08, 2020



Two men joined together virtually and got over the proverbial hump/pyramid and put in 2400 repetitions in during the Thang this morning. Here is how the beatdown went:



Quick mosey lap.

25x IC SSH

15x IC IST

15x IC cotton pickers


The Thang

For Time


1 to 10 to 1 Reps (Pyramid with Multipliers) of:

4 Mericans

8 Squats

12 LBCs

After each round of pyramid do a small suicide run. (Length of driveway)

With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written. For each round of the pyramid, do the following movements with their corresponding multipliers: 4 Mericans, 8 Squats, and 12 LBCs.

The way this workout is designed is you have a pyramid that goes 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 and for each round of the pyramid, you do the listed movements and their multipliers. So for level 1 you do  4 Mericans, 8 Squats, and 12 LBCs then for level 2 you do 8 Mericans, 16 Squats, and 24 LBCs. level 3 you do 12 Mericans, 24 Squats, and 36 LBCs… etc. all the way to level 10 where you do 40 Mericans, 80 Squats, and 120 LBCs. Then you go back to 9 and work your way down to 1. 

Recover Recover 




Thanks Stapler for being Relentless and Getting After It This Morning. You did a great job on your math so early in the morning.

Until Next Time,

Cousin Eddie