Virtual Option For Bedrock

Date & Time

Jan 11, 2025 07:00 am - 08:00 am






PAX, due to potential inclement weather, YHC closing Bedrock on 1/11/2025 but providing the below virtual option.

  1. Start at 7am if possible
  2. Must be outside
  3. Walk, run, ruck, perform squats, snow angels, merkins, or whatever your choosing but move for 1 hour!
  4. Provide evidence by doing one of the following: log exercise on Strava, respond to X preblast with photo or video outside, text someone to hold you accountable. Key here is providing evidence of the workout
  5. Safety the primary concern during inclement weather but no reason to miss a workout.
  6. BB credit provided. 
  7. Disclaimer: single AO #bb credit only.


Humbly in Christ 
