Virtue Signaling on the Red Carpet

Nine A-list leading men emerged from their limos for Oscar week on Hollywood's red carpet.  Well, maybe that's a little embellsihed for Hollywood.  But nine middled-aged men did get out of their Toyotas to run behind a dumpster.  In any event, everyone won an award and was able to use their 45 seconds to thank the Academy and to get on their soap box for various causes.  In addition to working out, their were some rousing speeches for many causes.  YHC can't recall them all, but it was something like this:

Tagless advocated for Patton and greasing the treads of your tanks with the innards of our enemies.  Contrarian view aye.

Deep Dish made a surprise push for sustainablity and green living.  He opined that he even re-uses his clothing for more than one wearing.

Toxic advocated for ethically-minded diamonds and anatomical costumes.

Mayhem went on a rambling diatribe about lawn care.  I think.

Hat Trick was incoherent.  But something about Quentin Tarantino and bad mo fo's.

Ninja Turtle stood up for womens empowerment.

Jenny and Rodeo wil have to remind us of their contribution.

All-in-all we came to the workout somewhat sleepy, but we left WOKE to the injustice around us.  Now go make a difference!