
Event Date

Dec 07, 2019


I checked email Fri. evening and saw an auto-alert to Q on Sat.  Did I sign up for it?  Did someone sign me up for it?  With limited planning time, I quickly found a holiday classic from the F3 site exercise list (as well as some painful classics):
15 IC Plank Jacks
15 IC Windmills
15 IC Copperhead Squats
15 IC Mtn Climbers
Boo Boo Bear Crawl:
Similar to bear crawl, but with either leg held off the ground all the time so the back leg has to basically hop forward.  Boo boo bear crawl up the parking lot and mosey back (then, repeat).
1 Pax at a time:
Bearmuda Triangle:
3 markers in the shape of a triangle.  Pax performs one burpee at first marker and bear crawls to 2nd marker, 2 burpees and bear crawl to 3rd marker, 3 burpees and bear crawl back to 1st marker (then, repeat).
While other Pax:
Elf on the Shelf:
This exercise is done with one concrete block. Start with the block on the ground beside you. Grab the block and lift it from the ground across your body reaching up as high as you can. Like putting it on a shelf. After a set from right to left then do left to right.
1 Pax at a time:
The Rampage:
Bear Crawl up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
Crawl Bear down the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
While other Pax:
Elf on the Shelf
2nd playground Pain Stations:
  Trail Run is the counter, each Pax chooses the stations on return
  Stations are:
  – Australian pull-ups,
  – Skull crushers,
  – calf raise on the ladder,
  – curls,
  – lunge pulse,
  – tarantulas,
  – squats,
  – pull-ups,
  – step-ups,
  – hang time
1 minute: W.W.I. Sit Ups
1 minute: Merkins
30 seconds: Jane Fondas right
30 seconds: Jane Fondas left
2 Corinthians 4:5
For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.
This is a busy time time of year, no doubt.  If you can volunteer to make a differnce for others, please do.  I shared a team event this wk at Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child.  If anyone knows of upcoming opportunities, please add comments.
Good times were had,