VQ Alert

After 2 years of attending F3 workouts primarily Fallout, the Sword and Estate (took 8 months off to recover from Achilles rupture last June) it was finally time to pop my cherry and complete my Virgin Q. 


Bootlegger and I arrived at the AO to an empty parking lot. Not to worry cars started to arrive shortly after.  3-4 runners for the standard belted over the finish line right at 5:30. It was go time. After some brief mumble chatter, one final check of the winky, it was time to lead this fine group of men off into the VQ unknown. 



Warmarama –

SSH x 20 IC (1 burpee)

WM x 10 IC (2 burpees)

MC x 30 IC (3 burpees)

IST X 15 IC (4 burpees)

Merkins X 15 (5 burpees)


Go grab a block and circle up. We were one block short so a PAX used something resembling a small boulder to improvise. (Hasselhoff mentioned that one was sacrificed yesterday at Samson).


Low Curl x 12 IC

High Curl x 12 IC

OH press x 12 

Left arm lawn mower x 10 IC

Right arm lawn mower x 10 IC

SC x 12 IC

Chest Press x 12 IC


Carry blocks to the “shaded” area for use later. Most notable was the “I remember my first Q” comment from Caboose I believe. This brought a  wry smile to my face. 

Mosey to fire pit for some arm exercises. 


Incline Merkin x 12 IC

Step ups on bench x 15 each leg

Decline Merkin x 12 IC

Grab a spot on Wall

People Chair – 30s

Air press x 20 IC

TTH x 20 IC

Go-go Gadget arms x 15 IC



4 exercise stations located around the parking lot. 

1. Dips x 20

2. 15 WW2 sit ups

3. 10 Pull up on bars

4. 15 Block Squats in shade

Repeato x 3. 


5 x 100 yard sprints (these seemed to not go down so well with many of the PAX). Cries of “don’t be that Virgin Q who runs out of time / forgets to put blocks back” smoldered. 


Put blocks back and mosey back to cars.



LBC x 20 IC

Pretzel Crunch x 15 IC each side

Low flutter x 10 IC and hold it x 10 IC

Plank 30 secs

Recover, recover. 


I had fun Qing and working hard with each of you this AM. Thanks to Bunyan / DonHo for letting me lead today and encouraging me to take the plunge. Special thanks to Bootlegger for getting me to get this one in the books and for closing prayer.


PS – for all you closet soccer fans, today marks the beginning of the new Premier League season. My team, Norwich City (Canaries) face Liverpool in the curtain raiser. My hope is that it is not lambs to the slaughter.


Have a great weekend!