VQ at The General

Pledge of Allegiance

Warm up run to the entrance and back

Circle up

Merkins IC x 10

High Knees IC x 20

Arm Circles fwd and back x 1 minute

SSH IC x 20

Run to the wall and partner up

10 Burpees, 20 WWII Situps

Run to the playground

10 Pullups, 20 LBCs

20 Dips, 20 LBCs


10 Burpees, 20 WWII Situps

Peoples Chair x 60 seconds

Run to the gate, Sprint up the hill

10 Carolina Dry Docks, 10 L/R Merkins every 4th tree. Grand total of 50.

Winners chose 8 x 8 Count Body Builders for the slower group

Run past the ball fields to the parking lot for more arm fun

Partner bear crawl. At the halfway point partnerer Derkins and Merkins. Bear crawl to the end.

Wheel Barrow back. Repeto Derkins and Merkins at the half way point.

Circle up.

Lowflutter IC x25

Squats IC x 20

Ski Jumper x 60 seconds

Plank Toe Taps IC x 20

Merkins IC x 10


Pelvic Thrusts IC x 20

Great group. Thanks for the VQ mumble chatter and thanks for working hard this morning.
