A brave bunch herd of 23 showed up for a trudge down a parking deck and to run in a circle. I have to admit, I expected about half the crowd, maybe 12 max but boy was I wrong. 

We started off with some side straddle hops, followed by the underappreciated abe vigoda's for the older pax, and some LBC's for good measure. Even with a couple dozen pax mumble chattering, they still could make out my cadence and calls for next exercise.

We did some pain stations with a mix of:

30 Squats 

20 Lunges

Sets of ten burpees

1 minute planks 

We then mosied down into 2 laps that turned into more laps (X3) in combination with:

Incline Pushups (AMRAP) with partner

More Squats  (AMRAP) with partner

Dips (AMRAP) with partner

Then mosied right back into the deck with some glute bridges to lead us back into the pain stations. Some unauthorized sprint races happened as well. We completed the same pain stations as our first round and ended with Crocs taking us through some pigeons and mobility. 

All in all, a succesful VQ that hit all points of faith, fitness and fellowship. Great effort by all PAX!! Thanks to MQ Crocs for the opportunity to lead. 

