VQ Meteor Shower

For the VQ YHC had originally planned on foregoing The Standard and focusing on the beat down. YHC was coerced otherwise by Jolly Roger and Calypso only to find out that their Extended Standard, the RR10k, was in reality an OTB run with no intentions to stay for the workout.  Mini Me and Tantrum met up with us on Beatties Ford Road after launching at the usual Standard time.  Upon our return, cars begin to trickle in with many familiar faces.  Warm greetings by all and before we knew it, the clock hit 5:30 and we were off.



Quick mosey around the parking lot with a few High Knees and Butt Kickers.  Grab a rock from the pile and head over to the field inside the track.

*SSH x 25 IC

*Cotton Picker x 15 IC

*IST x 15 IC

*Toy Soldier x 15 IC



PAX were instructed they would be splitting up into 4 groups, performing pain stations around the track, and transporting their rock, Zamperini style, to the next pain station ¼ lap away.  They would then continue this around the track.  Count off by 4’s (proving difficult today), grab your rock (let the mumble chatter begin) and head to your groups pain station on the track.

Round #1

*10 Burpees

*25 Carolina Dry Docks

*25 Merkin

*25 Jump Squats

*Run a lap at 80% max pace (without the rock)


Round #2

*50 Curls

*50 Skull Crushers

*50 Chest Press

*30 Shoulder Press

*Run a lap at 80% max pace (without the rock)

Head over to the hill, and while we’re waiting for other PAX to finish:

*Planking, Switching Arms

*Monkey Humpers x 25 IC

Grab a partner, Wheel Barrel up the hill, switch positions.  Then Repeato!

Return the rocks to the pile and circle up in the parking lot for Mary.



*The W x 20 IC

*Mason Twist x 20 IC

*LBC x 20 IC

*Elbow Plank – 1 Minute





*To start, F3 is absolutely amazing.  I feel I’m a better man at home, in life, spiritually, and physically.  This is by far the best way to start a day.  I feel blessed every day to be a part of this fine group of men.

*Biggest thanks to Holiday, Magnus, Schneider and Don Ho for the EH last year!

*Special thanks to TBone for allowing me to take the reins at Fallout.  This is one of my favorite AO’s to participate in.

*Multiple comments to me about doing a Standard before a VQ and being ready to Q a while ago.  Thanks to all for the kind words and support. 

*Mini Me on leading the mumble chatter, Oh My God…blah blah blah my ears are still ringing!!!  Nice work!  Lawn Dart, hats off to you on the chatter as well!


Also, you all now own the unofficial record holders for furthest Zamperini carry of ½ mile.  At least until someone can prove us wrong.