VQ on a Convergence between ELHS Mustang and what was left of SVU

16 Men showed up for a VQ at ELHS.  SVU graced us with a few of their members while others were still running the Palmetto 200.  Here's how it went down:

20 – Imperial Squat Walkers I.C.

20 – Side straddle hops IC

20 – cotton pickers IC

20 – Mountain Climbers IC


As expected (I'll take my $5 whenever you get it Clubber), I couldn't keep the count going smoothly (see at all), so we moved on to the main event


The Thang:

– Bears and Blocks to the 50 yard line

– 10 burpees

– Bears and Blocks back to the start line

– Colt 45's – 45

– High Knees across the football field with sprint back

– Plank Jacks – 20

– Butt Kickers across the football field with sprint back

– Trifectas – 20

– Karioke left leg leading across the football field, right leg leading back

– "Touch and Go's" – my new exercise I demo'd.  15 each leg

– Field of Dreams (AMRAP Squats, Mercans, LBC, 15 Burpee and rotate)

– Blackjack


**Puddle cried his way home before the end

– Captain Thor x 10
– Freddy Mercuries x 20
– In and Outs x 20
– Box Cutters x 12
– Low Flutter x 45sec



The sisters Mary and Martha thought that it had all ended, now that their brother Lazarus had died. Martha busied herself with the funeral arrangements, and Mary just cried and cried inconsolably.What was the point of Jesus coming now? Lazarus had been in the grave for four days; at least the mourners were still there. He had come just in time to share in the grief. Even Jesus wept. It was the end. That’s how you mark endings, isn’t it? With tears? 

Jesus goes to Mary and He says to her, “Do you believe?” (John 11:26), and although it is through a cloud of tears, she says, “Yes.”Then Jesus goes to the tomb and cries out with the voice of the Son of the Living God, “Lazarus, come out!” And Lazarus emerged from the grave into the arms of those who loved him.

If you believe in the One who is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Resurrection and the Life, then all that seems an end, is only ever a new beginning in disguise.

I mention that because my boss cousin died yesterday and I almost couldn’t come. The cousin has his next journey infront of him as a new spiritual beginning.Today is my first Q and my new beginning in leading these fine men.When faced with things that are bad or even the END, just remember that it’s also a beginning.


There was plenty of idle chatter for my first Q.  My favorite was probably a toss up between the groaning when everyone realized how terrible bears and blocks was, or Spork asking if I was trying to kill him today.  
I learned that trying to count and breathe for a hard workout isn't an easy thing to do.  I also learned that I can't count past three.  Still waiting on my Cash Clubber.  You can cash me outside next week.  I scared Puddle off before the end, and I got to name a really awesome kid Michael Bolt.  Michael likes the Braves (tomahawk close 2nd name), Social Studies because it's easy, and is incredibly fast.  I may have padded my workout with fun things like Blackjack incase we got done early.  Thanks to Closer and Clubber for helping me count past 3.