VQ Vertigo

10 men, including three 2.0s' one being a FNG (Dirty Bear), met Clubber for his Virgin Q on a cool breezy morning. ELHS Mustang provided a plethora of painful opportunities. A week's worth of prepeartion allowed the Q to scroll through Lexicon to find excersises unheard of in these parts. 



Arm Circles: small to big, above head…and reverse

Leg Stretches: R over L, lock hands behind back and lift arms while stretching. Repeat w/ L over R

20 IC Imperial Squat Walkers

15 IC X Factor

10 IC Trailer Park Merkins


The Thang:

Mosey to track and plank against field house wall. Q introduces MIKE TYSON's to the PAX…plank against wall, complete merkin then go into a squat in plank position 25 on your own.

Hit track inline with goal post. 1/2 PAX clockwise other 1/2 counter clockwise. VERTIGO – Run track to other goal post without running straight, body must flail, hop, skip, jump, rotate, etc.

Mosey to goal line on freshly irrigated field, get into groups of 3. Go back to back, all men go into peoples chair, squat further, and walk in group to the 50. 3 AMIGOS

On the 50 partner up and complete 25 SQUERKINS. One man completes a merkin while the other holds feet and completes a squat after the merkin is complete. Repeato for partner. 3 AMIGO back to goal line.

Mosey to base ball field. QUADRAPHILLA x 4 on hill (biggest around) and complete 50 LBCs' oyo. Plank for 6

Mosey to softball field. Unsure the name of this one, but I referenced SEAL STYLE, which they refer to as SUGAR COOKIE. PAX found a comfy spot of turf and went superman belly, dying cockroach back, and bobby hurley standing, when Q called "belly" "back" or "up" this went on for a while. 

Mosey alllllll the way back to the field house to get the waters the PAX were crying about. Bring it if you want it!!!

Mosey to Australian bar. Pair up, as a team complete 50 DOWN UNDERS & MONKEY HUMPERS. Split the amounts as needed.

Mosey to rock pile, partner up with a rock…lifting rock…running rock…oh there is a hill we will use that.

10 IC Skull Crushers, they'd look better at bootom of hill…mosey

10 IC Skull Crushers…C# couldn't be quiet so we did 5 more TEMPO SKULL CRUSHERS

Hallelujah w rock back to top, and say goodbye to your friend

Indian run around high school, w 6 completing a merkin. Q took off in sprint to create some fun and chatter.


Earlier found tennis ball was passed around for PAX to call out IC the pain.

10 IC Ws 

10 IC Peter Parkers

10 IC Feddy Mercury

10 IC Flutter Kicks

10 IC Merkins 


"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is the noblest, second, by imitation, which is easiest, and third by reflection, which is bitterest." Confucius

We all have done things we are truly regret. We learn from our past but at times we still slip up and even repeat mistakes and sins. A sinful secular society makes it even more difficult to stay on the righteous path. Our will-power alone is not enought. We need to invite the Holy Spirit in. Take off the old guy, and put on the new guy. This is, personally, what I am doing day-to-day. 

Finding F3 two months ago brought more than fitness back into my life. After leaving the boxing gym years ago, everything went down hill. Health, fitness, emotion, etc. I've not found the Lord since being a 2.0 myself, and have had many questions, but the power of this group and fellowship has touched my heart, spirit, and soul. Fallen Fire Fighter Josh Warren was remembered. Collapsed this week on-duty, during a workout. 34 yrs old, husband, father of two, fully dedicated to church, family and community. 

Dear Lord Jesus, 

I admit that I am a sinner

I have done things that were wrong

Things that have hurt you

Things that have hurt others

and things that have hurt myself. 

I believe that you died on the cross for my sins

and that you died on the cross for my sins

and that three days later you came out of the grave

I know that you are still alive today

and that you love me.

So I turn my back on the past

and in the present

I give my future to you.

Please, forgive me of all my wrongs and the past, 

and give me the wisdom and the strength to make the right choices in the future.

I know you are the Son of God and you have the power to save my soul.

So today I give you my whole heart,

and I accept your grace that is greater than all my sins.

I willingly choose to live for you, 

all the days of my life

Teach me your ways, wisdom, and your love.

Followed by my first time ever leading a group prayer.


Not too much chatter today, I expected a little more. Or did I tune it out? C# and Closer had some shennanigans, but that was expected. Taking the Q's sheet will be remembered. More focus on legs and arms today, only 2 miles. Q broke his toe last night, so today was not as fun as he intended. Q also learned that even if there is a lot on paper, it probably isn't enough to fill an hour's worth of work. 

Today was special for me, something special touched me, and I had to collect myself to make it through the reflection. I've never had a group of men to stand with me while I am most vulnerable, and hold me up. F3 has changed my life for the better, and through all 3 Fs' I'll be a better husband, father, friend, and leader!

TClaps to all PAX who landed, executed, and became stronger today at AO ELHS-Mustang.
