VQ with Navy PRT Style

11x Pax and 1x Beagle  made it out the Mighty Jungle on a beautiful, cool first day of October.

1 Pax had to bail early and I missed another name due to technical error/senior moment, so feel free to respond below and I'll add them to the list!


Mosey around and pick up Omega and Bailey the Beagle (FNG)

Karaoke, butt kicker, hi step

Circle up

SSH IC x20

IST IC x15

Cotton Picker IC x10

Windmill IC x10

The Thing

Mosey to the far South East corner of parking lot for some Navy style Physical Readiness Test!

Partner up: boot camp merkins, partner 1 merkins AMRAP while partner 2 holds fist under chest to insure partner one drops all the way down… because we care about your form!  For max points x72

Next is situps, partner 1 crosses hands over chest and keeps hands on shoulders, situp and touches elbow to knees while partner 2 holds feet for anchor.  Only counts if all the way down, all the way up to touch.  AMRAP and x100 for max points. 

Mosey over to south steps

Bunny hop up steps x 3 while FIA style group moseys down the hill… motivation!

Mosey down the hill, but not too fast that the FIA group thinks we are chasing them, because that is just creepy.  

Head down to "Copperhead Hill"

Partner 1 Quadrophilia up, does 5x CDDs, runs back down whlile partner 2 does burpees.


Mosey back up  the hill to the west wall. 

Jump up on the wall, 5x squats, jump down, cross the road to 5x merkins, back to the wall.

Repeato, repeato. 

Mosey to the North west wall. 

Partner 1 in the people's chair

Partner 2 takes a lap


Mosey to grab a Cindy (Cinderblock)

Overhead press IC x10

Low curl IC x10

Lawn mower IC x10 each arm 

Skull crusher IC x10

Top Gun quote: "Too close for missles, switchin' to guns."


Block swing IC x10 (always a lower back pleaser!)

Ultraman calls for a Russian Twist and Tagless helps out a tri's with some good old Chest Press

Sit on Cindy for some Crunch Frog IC x10… because balance. 

Put Cindy away and time for Mary.

Start of with Merkins, which is not really a Mary excercise, but I care about your fitness!

Low flutter IC x10

LBC IC x20

Then we go around the circle and all PAX get a chance to call their favorite excercise.  YHC was having so much "fun" can't remember them all, but something like this:

WWIIs, V-ups, super long elbow plank, heel touches, some Apollo stepping that was new to me,  break dance, more merkins (why not?), foot pump (got to be there to know), Homer to Marge with Roselleta thrown in for a 3-way (yeah, it's like that), and the ever popular… Monkey Humper IC x20.

Finished up with a timebomb plank starting with a 5 count… boom!

Recover recover


And that is how my Virgin Q went down.  YHC needs to work on his recollection, since I missed a few excercises and counts, so room for improvement.  Thank you to Rocket (Mighty Jungle Master Q) for the honor of leading these fine men this morning!  For those that have not done a VQ, man up!  It's a lot of fun and a great sense of accomplishment when you are done.  Looking forward to the next time.   

"It will be fun" they said.  And it was. 

Yours, Aye.