VQ With Peart Plus and some Rush Tunes

Standard Runners: Peart Plus, Jorel, Titan (his dog, Sky), Amen, and Ponch/Skynet

FNG-1 is B? *couldn't get full name on the recording

FNG-2 is Jeff

FNG-3 is Jumbotron

What a great turnout! Thank you all for showing up at my VQ experience! You all showed amazing support and patience as I had to make some adjustments to my plans. 

 Amen-thanks for trusting me to lead this workout!

Here's what we did:

Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome and Disclaimer

25 SSH
15 IST
15 Slow squat
15 Merkins

The Thang

Partner up/ get rock

Partner 1 (Rock exercises) AMRAP while P2 runs two laps around the traffic circle.**switch each time.

Rock exercises are as follows:
-Shoulder press
-Rock squat
-Bent row
-Skull crusher

After returning the rocks to the pile, we moseyed back to AO. Of course, in keeping with tradition, we stopped on Queen's Corner for 10 Freddie Mercuries.

At AO:
-20 Dips at bench (OYO)
-20 Mohammad Ali (IC)
-20 incline merkins (IC)
-10 mountain climbers(IC)
-25 Christian McCalf Raises(IC)

MARY (took turns)
-X's and O's (Jersey Boy)
-Low Flutters (Top Gun)
– WWII situps (Jorel)
– American Hammers (Turnpike)
– J-Lo (always a favorite for Amen)
– Right/Left Leg Raises…leg things (Ponch)
– X's and O's (Ghost)
– Touch Them Heals (Bob Ross)
– Alternating LBC's (Soprano)
– 10 Burpees (Over Budget)
– 15 Suzanne Somers *each side (Hippie)

*Ran out of time for everyone else to lead a Mary exercise.



– Jorel's son had to have scopic procedure on his esophogus, which he's had a few times in the past. Praying for good results from his doctor and a quick recovery. 

-Toxic shared a praise report that his doctor's report (post-surgery) found what was removed was pre-cancerous. Thank the Lord he had the surgery and is on the mend. In addition, he shared a PSA that we should has colonoscopies before the age of 50. 

– Of course, we prayed for all of those affected by Hurricane Ian in SW Florida. I (Peart Plus) reported that all my extended family in Naples and Ft. Myers are all safe, with minimum damage to their homes.