Vying for 2017 most hated…

Event Date

Dec 20, 2016

Above Pax plus Spinarkle braved a dropping temperature to endure my starting campaign to be on next year's list of Davidson most hated Q.  We started easy, but I think we made a lasting impression out of the gate.


The usual…SSH, Merkins, Squats, Cotton Pickers, Alternating step up, Box Jumps

Mosey to Lake Norman Christian School

Da Thang:

A variation of the weekly IB Shuffle…

Round 1 @ LKN Christian – 10 pull ups, 20 Merkins, 30 LBC

Mosey to DUMC

Round 2 @ DUMC – grab sandbags (here is where it got fun!)

10 curls IC, 10 press IC

"Sandbag ladder" – start with 1 Merkin, 1 Curl, 6 Wallbangers (squat press with sandbag and launch up against wall…and catch it).  Increase to 2, 2, 5 then 3,3,4…until you are at 6,6,1.

20 Freddie Mercury

Mosey to LKN Christian

Round 3 – normal program was interrupted by the slacker 0530 crowd so we had to audible.  No more pullups.  Instead, we did 15 dips IC, 15 single leg squats IC (each leg), partner wheel barrow from the street to the school and back, 10 diamond merkins.

Mosey to DUMC

Round 4 – we had so much fun, we decided to start right with the "Sandbag Ladder". But this time we did Burpees, Skull Crushers and then the Wallbangers.  Same count…1,1,6 then 2,2,5, etc. 

Finish this fun with partner 'ratchet' situps.  Partner holds your feet.  You do one situp, then drop slowly for 10 count.  Then do 2 situps, drop slowly on the second for 10 count.  Repeat up to 7 situps. Lots of fun.

Put up the sandbags and head back to the green for Mary, which included 10 Peter Parkers IC, 10 Parker Peters IC, 15 seconds plank, 15 seconds low plank, 15 seconds plank…no breaks in between anything.


The only thing worthy of the moleskin is Duvall…as always.  He had a comment that I won't remember word-for-word but it was hilarious.  It was during the ratchet situps. He was confused about whether he was supposed to hold the last one for 10 or slow release down for 10, and he commented that "I don't have a problem keeping it up when I'm still.  But when I go up and down is when I have the problem".  I think he was talking about his ability to hold the situp vs. the slow release 10 count…but who knows with him!!! 🙂

Curd, out.