Wabbit Season

Event Date

Nov 16, 2021


FNG-1 = Stash

7 Legends of Lake Norman turned up the heat this AM. This is their story…

YHC pulls up with plenty of time to spare. Tugs is waiting patiently while Jobe was doing some core work and yelling "GET SOME. GET SOMMMMMME."

The standard "standard guys" decided to standard in from their standard: Frodo, Don Ho, and Auto.

Stash rolls up wondering if he's fallen into a trap.

Where is our favorite Parka-wearing lean mean fighting machine Kosar? No time to wait, let's roll!

The Thang

The idea of the rabbit is to keep chasing and keep moving. All PAX are given a point to get to. Whoever gets to the point first is the rabbit and he just turns around and collects all PAX on his way to the six. When the rabbit meets the six we all circle up for some pain. (Spoiler alert: Frodo was the rabbit EVERY DAMN TIME).

  • First point: Devonshire. Up-downs on the Qs command, about 15.
  • Second point: The bridge. 15X Merkins IC. 20 WW2s OYO.
  • Third point: Cockinham cul de sac. 15X jump squats (alllll the way doowwwwn). 20X high knees.
  • Fourth point: Back to the bridge. 10X wall jump burpees (jump over the wall separating the street from the walkway on the bridge and do a burpee before jumping back). 20X dips.
  • Fifth point: Birkdale clubhouse for 5 minutes of Chelsea. EMOM wasn't hard enough so YHC decreased the time to 50 seconds and then 40 seconds… you heard it hear first.
  • Sixth point: The entrance to Birkdale Landing. More Up-Downs.
  • Seventh point: Give all PAX except for Frodo and Don Ho a head start to stop sign hill. The tables have turned! Frodo caught everybody except Auto.

4ish miles and plenty of pain


  • The plan worked. We kept moving. Everyone was steamy and sweaty and overheated. On the negative (or positive?) side, mumblechatter was low because we were all pretty winded.
  • Kudos to Frodo who got 6 rabbits. Is anyone surprised? He is the rabbit.
  • Auto got the 7th rabbit with a head start. He is the gerbil.
  • Don Ho was right behind Frodo. He is the bushy little tail.
  • Stash and Tugs were fast, sly, and quiet. They are the foxes (What does the Fox say?)
  • Jobe was the tortoise. Is it because he was the six? Or is it because he has abs like a toroise's shell. Watch the video on the f3counts tweet and you decide.
  • I guess that makes YHC mother nature or something weird.
  • I'm grateful to have shared pain with you fine men this morning and I'm grateful for the opportunity to lead. Thank you MQ Frodo or Don Ho or whoever it is.

