Waffle House has never tasted so bad

Well, the count came to 19 in the COT, but I only have 18 voices on the recording, unless I missed someone. <<And I did — Sorry Oyster and thanks Olive for the reminder! BB now updated>>  Whatever the number, a great group of men came out this morning, kettle bells in hand, anxious to see what Waffle House was serving up today.  Here's how it went:


SSH x 15

Mericans x 15

IST x 15

Mosey 1 lap


The Thang:

Sets of 3 exercises, 30 of each, 20 of each, 10 of each (15,10,5 I.C.), then take a lap around the parking lot.  The exercises: <<All Exercises In Cadence Unless Noted>>

1.  Straight leg dead lifts, curls, WW I sit-ups (single count)

2.  Goblet squats, horizontal skull crushers, Russian twists

3.  Side squat, KB swings (S.C. OYO), KB LBCs

4.  Calf Raises (S.C. OYO), upright rows, pretzel crunches



Mericans x 15

Freddie Mercury x 15

Low Flutter x 15 (Slugger)

Dying Cockroach x 15 (Olive)

J-Lo x 15



The count came to 19, but I only count 18 while doing the BB

Announcements – Murder mystery, skeet shooting, Christmas party

Prayer – Beetlejuice



– Good group today, and very little complaining on what I considered to be a fairly tough workout

– 2 dogs (Primo's and Omega's) created a little extra dynamic and a few barks;  I believe Bailey got a few shocks over the course of the workout, as he wasn't used to having another dog there

– Due to his dog responsibilities, Primo did none of the lying down exercises.  So… about half the workout

– Some hard sprints on the mosey led by Uncle Rico, with Omega and Primo in tow.  Way to put in the extra effort fellas!  

– And sorry to The Force that I kept the mosey in there, but we needed the break between sets I think — glad to see you out there even if you can't run yet

– Thanks to Slugger and Olive for leading an exercise during Mary — We didn't have time for another set of what I had planned, and I drew a blank.  So it would have been burpees or more Mericans had I been relying on myself!

– Thanks Beetlejuice for taking us out under distracting conditions with the dogs traversing the circle

– Great to get out and be with all you guys — hope you all enjoyed it and make it back.   Murph next Monday, I think…