Wait a Sec… It’s not the third Tuesday of the month!

Not listed on website — Kermit (Victor Gonzalez)

13 gathered in the gloom (no standard that I observed), in great anticipation of the tricks Waffle had up his sleeve for the morning.  Ok, not really, but they gathered anyway, and for that I am appreciative!  

It started out like a pretty standard workout… warm-o-rama, headed to the rails, then back up the hill to the parking lot.  And then… wait — did you say Horseshoe?  But we already started with some other stuff!  Well, that's how it goes sometimes…  Here's how it went down…

Warm-o-Rama (next to the People's Bank to accommodate any late arrivals — Kid Rock was last, and mostly on time)

SSH x 20

Cottonpicker x 12

IST x 12

Mountainclimber x 12

Windmill x 12

Downward Dog Calf & Achilles Stretch (10 sec hold)

The Meat of it:

On the Bailey rails:

Australian pullup, Dips, Australian chinup, Dericans x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 IC  (Approximately — I messed up the count a little)

Mosey to stop sign at corner of Peachmont and Washam Potts for Squats x 10 IC

Mosey back to parking lot

Surprise!  Mini-horseshoe!!

Run from bottom of parking lot around the top island near Madeline's and back to bottom for the loop.  Exercises were: 

5 burpees, 10 alternating lunges each leg, 15 Mericans, 20 LBCs.

The way it works is that you run one shoe, do the first exercise, run back and add the second, another run add the third, and then one more run and add the fourth.  The next run you drop the first exercise (so just do the lunges, Mericans, and LBCs) and you drop an additional exercise each lap.  In all, I'd guess it was a little under 1.5 miles, as the total for today was 1.9.


Windshield wipers x 10 IC

Rosalita x 15 IC

Pretzel Crunch x 10 IC

10 second plank

Recover, Recover


– Hollywood and Beetlejuice crushed it today — finished first and started doing all the exercises again while they waited (when I got there we started a little planking — I didn't want a repeato!)

– Miscounted and almost missed a round of Australian chinups while at the rails — thanks to the pax for reminding me

– Jersey Boy had a good prayer request for the people of Mexico, who seem to be overshadowed by the terrorist attack and other natural disasters, even though the devestation there was greater — let's keep everyone in our prayers and see how we can help those that need it most

– Thanks Beetlejuice for taking us out — strong prayer this morning

– Lots of Respects in COT; welcome to that exclusive club, Jethro and Bama!

– I just checked the calendar, and tomorrow marks 3 years in F3 for me (I guess celebrated today since I will not post tomorrow morning).  I'm thankful for the friendships I have gained and for the extra pounds I have not gained.  

Waffle House