Wait, this isn’t a running workout?

Event Date

May 19, 2018

Even with the full on Twitter PB disclaimer that the workout was destined to be complete dumpster fire, 7 PAX showed up anyway.  Note that Calypso missed the memo that Excelsior was converging, ran 5 miles, and then doubled down with The Estate.  

YHC has not Q'ed a workout in more than 3 years and was seriously doubting the decision to fall to Turn Pike's peer pressure and Q The Estate.  However, after some hunting through the backblasts to remember a few excersizes, a weinke came together.  

Here's how it went down:


SSH x 15, Windmill x 15, Toy Solder x 10, Merkins x 20, Low Slow Squat x 15

The Classics:

3 groups, 3 sets of 10, Merkins, WWII Situps (thanks for the form correction Snake Eyes), and Pullups

Some work by the dumpster:

2 groups, 2 sets, Group 1: jump up on loading dock and bear crawl down ramp, Group 2: People's Chair

Same 2 groups, 2 sets, Group 1: jump up on loading dock and lunge walk down ramp, Group 2: Balls to the Wall

To the track for 7's:

1st set, up/downs at top, squats at the bottom

2nd set, burpees at top, backward lunge at the bottom

Work with Rocks:

Curls, scull crushers, front lifts, shoulder presses, bench presses, etc.

Track Work (it wouldn't have been right without some track work):

Group 1: Plank o rama, Group 2: 400 m, Flapjack

10 min of Mary:

Pass the buck style, many great selections (O2 deprived at that point, can't remember)


Great work out there by everyone.  The humidity was crushing.  Way to push through.  

Thanks for your patience while YHC remembered the ropes.  It was an awesome time!