Wait, what day is it?

I'm not sure why the #Wilderness now meets in the St. Mark parking lot, but someone should let the MQ of Mighty Jungle know it's moved!  Thanks alot Blackbeard!

It's been exactly 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days since I lasted Qd in Phoenix AZ.  Had to dust off the old paper maps and figure out where exactly we were going to go today.  Ahhhhh…looks like a great day to turn 16 PAX into cyclists…it is the new craze nowadays in F3LKN!  So I proceed to engage in (once again) plagarizing a workout from the past…#TheBicycle (Thx Calypso).

Big Ben says it is 0700, but there's a new Captain in town, and my space watch says 0659, so suck it Big Ben, we'll wait till I say go…and good thing, Bailey the Dawg was driving Omega in just a touch late.

Ding ding….NOW it's 0700…#Disclaimer given (thanks to Little Finger for bringing the poor homeless guy, that dude is definitely in shape!)…

We mosey to the lower church parking lot for a variety of Warm-O-Rama dynamic exercises to prepare ourselves for the ensuing Bicycling.

The Thang:

Mosey to the large traffic circle to begin the back wheel of #TheBicycle.  Partner up: Partner 1 runs a lap, while Partner 2 does exercise.  Exercises were merkins at 6 and 12 and WWII situps at 3 and 9 

Mosey to MacCauley Subdivision for the bike pedals at the entrance for crab walks and bear crawls.

Mosey to Travolta Hill for the Handle bars: OYO bear crawl to top, 5 burpees, run down hill for 20 LBCs. Repeato reducing burpees by 1 and LBCs by 5.

Wait…is Travolta home?? Welp, that only means one thing…#MonkeyHumper line on the sidewalk in front of his house…WAIT…his M saw us coming and proceeded to wake him up so he could see the 10 perfect Monkey Humper reps with his own tired litle eye…Travolta…don't miss beatdowns!…and Good morning:)

Ok…mosey to tiny little traffic circle for the front wheel: Partner up, Partner 1 does broad jump burpee lap while Partner 2 runs lap to catch up and take over.  Repeato till one broad jump burpee lap is complete (that sucked!!)

Let's head back…wait…you're right Force, lets lift rocks!

Joggy jog over to the Rock pile by the teeny tiny traffic circle for low curls, high curls, shoulder press and done!

Now we begin our Mosey back to launch pad stopping along the way for various exercises to quell the PAX.  The Force is always a great HIM…volunteered to lead the PAX on the downhill runs and wait for Ultraman on the uphill climbs!!:)


Confused which day it is MoleskinE:

1. Ultraman mosey'd the whole workout on the bum (but getting better) ankle.  Strong brother!

2. Hall Monitor didn't let Tito get the best of him last night.  I knew you could do it brother!  Strong like Ox!

3. Blackbeard, your rules for AO, exercises, and recruiting Qs don't matter. Sorry, not sorry!:) Damn man, you're looking great out there.  I didn't mean to dash your weight loss dreams!!hahaha

4. Anyone else find the striking resembulance to that homeless guy and The Count?  Man, I think he had breakfast and coffee in that scraggly beard. Tclaps to Knockout, Little Finger and Count for running to the workout this morning.

5. Tuffy (or was it Twister), sorry the workout really didn't make sense. I should have warned you, most of my workouts don't make sense!

6. Firestone, you are still beasting this thing called F3 after all these years!  Great seeing you out.

7.Bagboy says a skinny backblast or ramblings as I have above count to make it count, so this counts!  Great seeing you Special Sauce!

Thanks for the lead this morning Blackbeard.  Great being amongst the PAX. 

If you're not growing, you're dying.  Be sure to continuing to applythe EH to every man you meet and know.  Let them know what this F3 thing is doing in your life.  #GiveItAway