Wait, who has the Q?

Event Date

Dec 16, 2017


2 hearty men posted in 26 degree weather for a 2.5 mile mosey past Hough HS and back. Upon return, we found BoarHog’s car, but no BoarHog and no BoarDog. He surfaced minutes later after a warm-up mile around BRP. And, with about 30 seconds to spare, Outlaw came in on 2 wheels. 

The pax was put to work early, carrying kettlebells, heavy rope, discs, and jump rope down to the field…the implements of torture needed for the County Fair, idea stolen from F3/Denver. Warmorama included the usuals:

SSH x25, IST x20, knee-ups x15, man maker merkins x10, and 5 squat thrusts.

The county fair included the following exercises, with a runner setting the timing for changing stations:

County Fair:  Runner, heavy rope, jump rope (until Outlaw broke it…SHM), KB curls. Repeato

ManMaker merkins x10; knees ups x15

partner push 50 yards, FlapJack.  Partner pull 50 yards. FlapJack

County Fair:  Bear Slide, heavy rope, KB squat shoulder press, KB curl.  Repeato

Mosey to Wolfpack playground for:

10 pull-ups, 10x man maker merkins

8 pull-ups, 15x knee ups

6 pull-ups, 10x man maker merkins

4 pull-ups, 15x knee ups

2 pull-ups, 10x man maker merkins

Mosey to the stairs on the MS track for stair repeats: 

single stair hands in the air, double stairs, backwards single stair, backwards double stair

10x Man maker merkins. 

wheelbarrow up the stairs, single stair hands in the air, double stair

Sprint to other side of track and then mosey to the soccer field.

Helping Hand 10 each side. FlapJack. Smoked at this point.

Return to upper soccer field, where we started for 7 minutes of pax call it Mary:

LBC, low flutter, rosalita, pretzel, low dolly, Makhtar N’Diaye and few others I can’t recall.


1) It’s probably something to do with how few workouts I’ve attended in the last 2 weeks, but this one hurt. I checked my watch after 20 minutes and thought it was broken.  I forgot to mention above that we had 2 or 3 much needed 10-counts.

2) Thanks to Outlaw for bringing the mumblechatter, even if it was mostly about his own derrière. And, no, you didn’t do much counting. Mojito covered that. That’s fine though, because my expectations of your ability to count past 3 were very low.

3) BoarDOG established his dominance by chasing away 2 much larger dogs on leashes and by pissing on Outlaw’s foot during man maker merkins. Well played, BoarDOG

4) Mojito counts like a professional after just 3 or 4 workouts. Someone must be training him up between workouts.

5) BoarHog’s wheel house was the BearSlide. That happened to be Outlaw’s and Mojito’s kryptonite.

Great morning, gents.  Thanks for following for the full 60 minutes.