PAX list should include Boru
We were greeted by two of Huntersville PD’s finest this morning upon our arrival at The Viking. Turns out we’re all free for another day. I’m glad there wasn’t an issue with us going into the park that’s, technically, closed. Not sure what type of workout I could’ve come up with sans an AO…maybe Frogger on 115? Anyway, here’s how it unfolded this morning:
- Mosey down by the tennis courts
- SSH x 4 (IC) / 1 Burpee, SSH x 8 (IC) / 2 Burpees, SSH x 12 (IC) / 3 Burpees, SSH x 16 (IC) / 4 Burpees
The Thang:
- Grab a rock and mosey to the lower (basketball court) parking lot; drop ‘em.
- Head to the basketball court, partner up
- Wheel barrow to the free throw line, half court line, other free throw line and other baseline. Stopping at each line to do 4 wheel barrow merkins.
- Flip Flop
- Plank while the group finishes
- Pick up the rocks and head to the middle of the soccer fields
- Curls x 4 (IC), Shoulder Press x 4 (IC), Skull Crusher x 4 (IC), drop ‘em
- Run to corner of the track: Squats x 4 (IC), Monkey Humpers x 4 (IC); run back to the middle
- Curls x 8 (IC), Shoulder Press x 8 (IC), Skull Crusher x 8 (IC), drop ‘em
- Run to corner of the track: Squats x 9 whoops (IC), Monkey Humpers x 8 (IC); run back to the middle
- Curls x 12 (IC), Shoulder Press x 12 (IC), Skull Crusher x 12 (IC), drop ‘em
- Run to corner of the track: Squats x 12 (IC), Monkey Humpers x 12 (IC); run back to the middle
- Curls x 16 (IC), Shoulder Press x 16 (IC), Skull Crusher x 16 (IC), drop ‘em
- Stay in the middle of the field: Squats x 16 (IC), Monkey Humpers x 16 (IC)
- Curls x 4 (IC), Shoulder Press x 4 (IC), Skull Crusher x 4 (IC), drop ‘em
- Zamperini Indian Run back to the rock pile
- Plank while the group comes in.
- Mosey to the shelter by the baseball fields
- Dips x 16 (IC) / Plank Jack x 16 (IC), Dips x 12 (IC) / Plank Jack x 12 (IC), Dips x 8 (IC) / Plank Jack x 8 (IC), Dips x 4 (IC) / Plank Jack x 4 (IC)
- Mosey back to the church parking lot
- Four cones in a line across the lot (~20 yards apart):
- 4, 8, 12, 16 reps at each cone down the line
- LBCs out / Crunch Frogs back (both single count OYO)
- Mactar Jai x 16 (IC)
- Great job by the PAX this morning. Some faces I’m not familiar with…glad to see the new (to me) PAX at a fantastic AO.
- Not sure everyone was thrilled with the warm up…or lack thereof. I’m assuming everyone survived?
- Possibly some mumble chatter about my cadence counts this morning…? More info, please.
- The Geek needs to clean his shoes again; the field work didn’t sit well with him.
- Axel…that about sums it up. .
- Actually, I think he might have “sprayed” Smore’s shoes. With what, you ask…you should’ve been there (or maybe it was good you weren’t).
- Prayers for 66 and a speedy recovery. Awesome, selfless, act for his child.
- Prayers for Striker, M Striker and their newest addition.
- Also, want to send prayers up for my M and her medical team as we welcome our fourth baby girl tomorrow morning @ 0730. F3 has certainly given me a greater perspective in life which, I hope, has translated into me being a better father and husband. It’s the work I’m most proud of in life…thanks to all the PAX who create such a wonderful network to remind us of all the things that are so important.
- As always, Stromboli…thanks for giving me the opportunity to lead this group today. It was certainly my pleasure.