Walk Like an Egyptian

Event Date

Jan 01, 2024

Six fine young men started 2024 off right with a chilly Mustang beatdown. Sonar grabbed the Q the night before and, as usual, tried to figure out something to do. It went something like this.


(new year, still not a professional, still an idiot, you might be too)


24 IC Side straddle hops

24 IC Cotton Pickers

24 IC Arm Circles (12 each way)


Slow mosey around the parking lot and head down to the blocks.

Santa left us 14 shiny new F3 cinder blocks. Let’s do something with them and the remaining 6 of our old friends.

Split into two teams.

Each PAX member grabs one block and carries it (Zamperini, carry, drag, whatever) all the way to the other end of the band field and begins to build a pyramid (each team transports 10 blocks to make a 4-3-2-1 pyramid). Mosey back after each block – one block at a time.

Now that the pyramids are built…

These new blocks need to be Christened somehow.  So we disassemble the pyramids and return the blocks one at time – but each new block gets three burpees-from-hell (block burpee with a trifecta built in) before being returned.

Once all the blocks are returned, head up to the pull-up bar area.

Three rounds of Murph exercises (5-10-15)

Back to the launch pad for



24 IC Low Dolly

24 seconds 6” off the ground

24 IC American hammers (Multiple ‘failures’/mutiny at this point so we’re done)

Didnt dare try 24 Dr Ws – I like my health 🙂 


2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

New Years is a great time to wipe away the old and usher in the new. A time to forget the past and turnover a new leaf. But we have the opportunity to do that ANY day at ANY time. Don’t miss that opportunity.


  • T-claps to Backdraft for getting in some pre-work.
  • In writing, the Thang doesn’t look like much but it sure did take a little time to do.
  • Missed those that couldn’t or wouldn’t make it this morning
  • My last two Qs were following bourbon night and New Years Day. I guess I just like leading when the PAX is more likely to be hungover
  • As always, it is an honor to “lead” and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.