Walk This Waaay…

Event Date

Jun 29, 2020


2 met for the standard at 0500 because neither wanted to let the other down #ISI. Another 3 showed up at 0530 for the main event to make a total of 5. The total mileage varied from 2 miles to 6. Here’s what happened (to the best of my recollection):YHC showed a few minutes before 0500 and saw a headlamp emerge from the gloom. Vandelay ran up and joined me in exploring the AO for some upper body exercise ideas I had promised in the preblast. Little did he (or I) know we wouldn’t use any of what we found. Adapt and overcome.The rest showed at 0530 for running and pain stations.Run a little to a circle of Warmorama:SSH x20icIST x10icToy Soldiers x10icDwight Schrute x10icArm Circles large and randomRun a little to the playground:Pull Ups (or pax interpretation of) x10Run a little to next pain station:Plank Walk x10icPlank Walk back x10icRun a little to a steep short hill:2 Mericans at the bottom, Run to the top, 10 Mericans, run back to the bottom, 4/8, 6/6, 8/4, 10/2.Run to the back of the school:10 Revericans, 20 Dips20 Revericans, 20 DipsRun back to the launch pad:LBC x20icPretzel Crunch x10 each sideMOLESKIN:-Kudos to Jaws and Vandelay for putting in extra mileage to/from home.-I absolutely love it when a running group stays together. Great morning for 1st and 2nd F.-I said ‘walk this way,” A LOT because I wasn’t ready to run yet after most of the pain stops. Steven Tyler would have been proud of the pax response.