Walking Habitually

Event Date

Jun 03, 2017


5 appeared from the gloom, looking for a little pick me up to launch the beautiful weekend.  Loved seeing the big efforts fellas.  Here's how it went down.

WarmUp:   (x = in cadence)
20x SSH
20x mountain climbers
10x imperial squat walkers
10x merkins
20x trunk rotations (10x each way)
10x windmills
20x Dippy Birds (patent pending) (10x each side)

Run to the back, grab a block, and circle up
*** t-claps to Frisbee for grabbing a full-size block for his 11-year manliness
*** #ThinkingBig
20x curls for the girls
Trail Run, with a catch, intentionally walk the last 50'
*** yo, it's National Trail Day, had to rock the trail
20x shoulder press
*** #goodformistheonlyform
Trail Run, intentionally walk last 50'
*** hmmm, weinke missing…let's sprint until it re-appears…j/k
20 block circles (10 each way)
Trail Run, intentionally walk last 50'
blocks back

water if you like, back in 30 minutes

Gathering run to the clubhouse
– your pace to the entrance, circle back to the 6, his pace to the end

Circle up at the flag for The Pledge of Allegiance

Little mosey around the dock path (does it count as a Trail?)

4 Corner Clubhouse Loops:
1 runs around clubhouse loop, 4 guys circuiting 4 stations, rotate through
a) 20 WWI situps, then WALK to next corner
b) 20 squats, then side-to-side slide up
c) 20 merkins, ***ugh, these added up, then WALK to next corner
d) 20 SSH, then side-to-side slide down


Indian Run back, 3 merkins then sprint to front

Just in time for Mary:
20x LBC
20x fire hydrants (10 each side)
15x stationary bike (kind of a Freddie without moving legs)
45 seconds of Mason Twists

…and we're done.

Reflection:  Galations 5:13-16  (Amplifed translation)
13 For you, my brothers, were called to freedom; only do not let your freedom become an opportunity for the flesh (sinful nature, worldliness, selfishness), but through love serve and seek the best for one another.
14 For the whole Law [concerning human relationships] is fulfilled in one precept, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself [that is, you shall have an unselfish concern for others and do things for their benefit].”
15 But if you bite and devour one another [in bickering and strife], watch out that you [along with your entire fellowship] are not consumed by one another.
16 But I say, walk habitually in the Holy Spirit [seek Him and be responsive to His guidance], and then you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh [sinful nature, which responds impulsively without regard for God and His precepts].
– our pastor at Pursuit Church is in the middle of a great series on the Holy Spirit
– this chapter is known for containing the Fruits of the Spirit later on, but there is so much more in Galatians 5
– The phrase "walk habitually" (or "walk daily" in other translations) made me think a bunch.
– not 'running' habitually, got to slow things down and conciously be aware of what's around me
– I can't talk when I'm running, I can talk when I'm walking
– Habitually means regular, intentional, consistently, regular part of the schedule
– Hopefully, there's a nugget in there for you too

– plenty of cardio opportunities today
– plenty of opportunities to push forward when the lungs and legs told you to chill out
– nice 2nd F at Cabbellas afterwards; good to see the Mustang guys; Good luck MoneyBall and Frisbee on their baseball tournaments

It was a real honor to lead this morning
Have a great day Fellas