Wanna Split it?

Event Date

Apr 30, 2022

Before we get to the recap:  DAD’S CAMP REGISTRATION IS OPEN! GET SIGNED UP!


Six fine men gave up part of their Saturday to get a little sweaty and get a little better.  Sonar and C# both noticed, individually, that there was no Q listed for Saturday and both, individually, showed up a little early to scope out the scene and decided that both, individually, would split the Q.  It went something like this.

(C# on the Q)


  • 10 IC Side-straddle hops
  • 10 IC Cotton Pickers
  • 10 IC Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Follow the leader through the parking lot


  • Mosey to the (Diesel) hill near the concrete bleachers
  • Start with 10 ‘mericans, run to the bottom, touch the fence, run back up
    • 9 ‘mericans, run to the bottom…8…7…6…5
  • Mosey to the concrete bleachers
  • Bleacher Hops up w/ 20 calf raises at the top
    • repeato two more times
  • Mosey to the steel bleachers by cutting across the field (shhh)
  • Start with 10 ‘LBCs, run to top of the bleachers, side shuffle across, run back down to the start
    • 9 LBCs, run to the top…8…7…6…5
  • Mosey out the track and over to the hill near the discus pad. At the top of the hill do squats while one PAX runs to the bottom and flips the tire 1X.  Take turns until everyone gets a flip.
  • Mosey to the down under bars for 10 down-unders palms-away and then 10 more palms-in

(Handover the Q – Sonar’s turn)

  • Mosey to the blocks and pick your favorite.
  • Zamperini with your block out about 25 yards out and then back
  • Murder Bunnies about 25 yards out and then back #CrowdPleaser
  • Put those stupid things away
  • Mosey up to the pull-up bars for one round of AMRAP (minimum 5, assist if needed)
  • Head to whatever that contraption is near the pull-up bars for some true, to-the-ground, down-unders.
  • Mosey back to the launch pad and grab a football
  • Indian Run with the football around the practice field.  Football can only move through the air with a three-burpee penalty if it hits the ground.  Some people (rhymes with Robbio) thought this was a great opportunity to get some extra burpees in.
  • Stop at the discus pad and switch to quarterback mode.  Some silly rules with burpee penalties for dropping the pass.  I don’t think this one will make the cut for future exercises (#Q-fail)
  • One more lap of Indian Run football but no penalties
  • Head back to the launch pad for…


  • 10 IC Dr. Ws  (what else?)
  • 10 IC low flutters (special request by Toto)

And recover


Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

This one gets used a lot in F3 – because it applies. On a Saturday with no Q on the books, six guys just showed up and worked together to help each other get better.  I probably say it too much, but I never worry about not having a Q listed.  Sure, it’s better to have something planned out and to know things are covered but I know that whoever shows up to the workout will figure out a way to get the work in and hold each other accountable to make good use of the time.


Not making any judgements but, couldn’t help noticing that none of the F3 brothers that attended Men’s Alliance on Wednesday could make it to Mustang Saturday – what did they do to you guys?? 😛

This was mostly-made-up on-the-fly so workout the recap below might not be 100% accurate. But, hey, let’s face it, if you really wanted to know what happened you would have been there.

We had some F3 veteran presence along with 2 vet Q’s so we tried to take it old school a bit.

Coffeeteria continued the veteran theme when LightBulb, Cheetah, and Boucher joined in. I think we had well over FIFTY years of F3Denver experience with only eight of us there.  So, what did we do? We helped build “Cheetah’s Extraordinary Playlist – The Country Version”!

As always, it is an honor to “lead” (or co-lead) and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.