Wanted Chumbawamba dead or Alive

12 posted to ELHS Mustang including 2 for the #BasinChallenge (Turncoat and Waffle house) and 1 FNG. Here is the story

20 IC Squats
15 IC Toy Soldiers
Chumbawamba – Tubthumping (SSH's with TheBurpee everytime "I get knocked down")
Indian run around the parking lot, Pause at the benches for 10 IC Bench Dips, end at the rock pile.

The thing
Grab a block and bring it to the top of the hill
Form 2 groups.
Group 1 stays here and does an exercise
Group 2 carries a block to the wall and places it on top of the wall and return.
flapjack, group 2 stays here and does the exercise, group 1 retrieves the block from the top of the wall and brings it back

Round 1 Curls
Round 2 Squatting curls
Round 3 Copperhead Negative Curls (up, slow down, 1, 2, 3)
Rounds 4,5,6 Q calls audible for time and just do 10 IC of each of the next…
Round 4 Squat Thruster
Round 5 Squat
Round 6 Lunge
Return Blocks

Mosey to the pull-up bar, form 2 lines
First 2 guys do the pull-up rotation listed below, next 2 provide a spotter, rest of the guys do an exercise below…rotate through
Round 1 – 10 wide grip pull-ups, Wide 'mericans
Round 2 – 10 close grip pull-ups, diamond 'mericans
Round 3 – 10 chin-ups, Pseudo Planche 'mericans

Factoid of the day…On this day 1987 Bon Jovi released their 3rd album "Slippery when wet", well one source said it was, another source gave another date…

6MOM (Was supposed to be playing Bon Jovi "Wanted Dead or Alive")
10 IC Peter Parker
10 IC Dr. W
10 IC Low Dolly
15 IC Low Flutter
30 Second American Hammer

An unrelated scripture…How are your walls?  Do your walls protect you? Do they hinder you? Cities have walls, well they used to. Jerusalem  had walls and in the book of  Nehemiah it talks a great deal about walls.  From finding walls torn down, to rebuilding walls, arguing about building walls. Without the walls the Jews were allowing too much of the pagan world into their lives. Then yesterday we discussed taking our defensive walls down and getting into some deep men's stuff conversations.

Proverbs 25:28 Like a city that is broken into and without walls is a man who has no control over his spirit.


  • Abrams and Clark posted for the Standard, which isn't really a standard thing we do, Clubber shows up 10 minutes late, or 20 minutes early depending on how you look at it.
  • Turncoat and Wafflehouse visit our fine Denver AO for the #LKNBasinChallenge.  Q asked Wafflehouse if he got his name because he smelled like cigarettes and had a B sanitation rating. Nope, he's from Belgium.
  • Our FNG, Brandon, posted again.  We decided we needed to name him at the beginning of the workout because he's kind of  a flight risk. On his first post (Sonar Q) he just happened to stumble upon us, showing up "late" although he didn't know he was coming, then having to leave at 0600.  Today he wasn't last to post, but he was first to leave. YHC was considering such names as FlightRisk, LIFO, but then Abrams throws out "P-Funk" and it stuck. He is originally from Kannapolis.  So is George Clinton from Parliament-Funkadelic. Later someone broke into Nate-Dogg and Warren G "Regulators" where all PAX understood with the exception of Ziplock.  We all assumed the song says "P-Funk Era" but a quick check shows that Warren G changed it to "G-Funk Era". Ziplock, you've got some homework.  Google Regulators and take a listen. Surely you have heard this before.
  • Apparently Clubber overdid it today…ice up son. But dude was in beast mode all morning…killed it.
  • Abrams got my Course Record up Exploration Hill by one freaking second. Thanks Strava. I'm sure it was just a GPS glitch.