6 men dealt with the cold temps this morning at Cobalt.
- SSH 20 IC
- Cherry Pickers 15 IC
- ATM – 15 Alternating shoulder touches (4 count), 10 Tempo merkins (4 count – 3 down, 1 up), 10 Merkins IC (fast count)
The Thang
Run to front playground from clubhouse (~9/10 mile) with 1 stop:
Circle up:
- High plank – 15 alternating shoulder touches IC (4 count)
- High plank – alternate arms to sky – 10 count each arm
- Low plank – 10 count
- Plank jacks – 10 OYO
- Mountain climbers 15 IC
10 burp-ups (10 burpees + 10 pull up – alternating between) OYO
10 Dips OYO
10 Decline mericans OYO
10 Dips OYO
10 Decline mericans OYO
Run to clubhouse from front playground (~9/10 mile) with one stop:
Circle up:
High plank – around the world 10 counts
High plank – alternate arms to sky – 10 count each arm
Low plank – 10 count
Plank jacks – 10 OYO
Mountain climbers – 15 IC
Merkins – 10 IC
AYG run for last 1/3 mile
- High plank alternating toe touches – Surf and Turf
- Freddy Mercury – Natty Lite
- Low flutter – Arizona
- Box cutter – Mojito
- Happy Crunchy Frog – Hambone
- Great showing for a 26 degree morning
- Good to see Hambone again – good stories from Pax – "one ball" and "Steve" stories were Pax favorites
- Natty seems laser focused on the tennis tournament this weekend or maybe it was on the cream ale he's brewing to share with his competitors
- Extra credit to Mojito for running to the workout – training starting for his next big race
- Surf and Turf working through a virus – still rocked the workout
- "Arizona is just swinging" – Natty Lite
- Couple new exercises added this morning from Q's research on F3nation.com – will get the counts right next time around
- Solid work today men. Always an honor to lead!