Warm & Wet

Event Date

Dec 17, 2019


I have not been a consistent BB writer so I close out 2019 with this creation and intend to do better in 2020!

Multiple claps of thunder and visible lightning greeted the Q as preparations were made and pavers were placed.  Doubts about who might show up, if anyone at all, were foolish as Sparknut burst from his house ready to go.   Methane rolled up and Komen only missed SSHs and mountain-climbers.  F3 is rain or shine after all

The Thang:

warmup and the first 1/3 of the workout were held under cover of the clubhouse porch until YHC deemed it safe to continue in the elements.  

Work included variety of paver reps, merkins, wall sits, and a mobility minute. 

After Mid-way Mary, the pax was led to the Justin Michael alley Hill for some of my favorite ladders.  It was pointed out that we were like salmon heading upstream as we climbed the hill against the current.  We finished back at the clubhouse for glute bridges, side leg raises and more Mary.

COT:  prayers for my dad who recently underwent triple bypass surgery and has had a rough recovery.  PSA!!!  Jaw pain upon exertion for men and pain between the shoulder blades for women are big warning signs for heart trouble.  Get to medical assistance right away!  I had no idea.    Sparknut eloquently took us out with wise words. 

Always a privilege and honor to lead this great group!   Anyone actually reading this to the end…come out and join us any Tuesday morning!  Outer Limits has become a great little AO led by fine HIMs.

Merry Christmas!
