Warming Up Fallout

This morning in huntersville, nc, a man arose from the ashes of mediocrity and profressed, I WILL NO LONGER BE A DRAIN ON SOCIETY, JOLLY ROGER, THE INCOGNITIANS, MY FAMILY, MY EMPLOYER, THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, THE HUMAN RACE, THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, THE WEST VIRGINIA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION or any other organization of which he has been taking advantage of for years.  Tha mans name is Tater Nuts!

Just kidding, its Mooch and he brought 12 other guys out for a workout this AM.  Here is their story:

0500 – YHC is on the way

0501 – YHC is tieing his shoes

0506 – were off for a 2mi standard with Tunrpike and Tbone

0530 – A bunch of dudes show up and we're off

We do a warm-o-rama, which is always SSH, Cotton pickers and IST

Then we did a cackalacka choo choo

Then we did an austrailian peel back

Then we did some escalating pull up/merkin thingy

2 merkins, 2 pullups

Repeato up to 4, 6, 8 & 10.  Then back down 8, 6, 4, & 2.

Then some partner pleasers by the loading dock

and back for mary by committee.

FNG 1 = newly named Burnt Endz.  Name is keith crawford…kc…bbq…burnt endz

FNG 2 = Just Darryl, he wants a new name and probably should get one.  Turrible

FNG 3 = Mike, from these parts.  Knows Tantrum and Tweetsie.  SO theres that.

Today was fun, at least for me.  The rest of you seemed to like it too.  You know what we should do, we should find more guys who like it and invite them out.  Yep, lets do that!  Mooch, good job being you and leading the pax at times.  The incognating was early and often…and I appreciate it.

Thanks to Tbone for giving me the opportunity and thanks to Black Eyed Pea for inviting me out to F3 for the first time.  It is always a great morning when i get to get pushed by the Pax.  Don't be afraid to share this gift, someone is praying for it now!

